Basic Stamp Editor for other PIC''s?
--- In, "lanceallenr" <lanceallenr@y...>
> Hi all,
> I wanted to know it there is a way to use the Basic Stamp Editor
> other PIC's. I have 2 Basic Stamp II's and are really pleased with
> them. The only reason that I want to know this information is to
> further my knowledge of the Editors capabilities, I am also trying
> become familiar with PIC's and how to program them. I have not
> programmed a PIC before and wanted to know my options when the time
> comes. I know there are Assembly programmers but I really like
> programming I find it much easier read and understand.
> Any suggestion / comments are welcome
> Thanks,
> lanceallenr
There is a gap in the area of which you speak.
Parallax *could* offer a fee based verson of PBasic that would
program other chips, but that would most certainly requre a complete
re-write of the software, and would most likley be priced comprable
with other software packages for that purpose, namely in the $250.00
price range. AND, that would put them into a whole different
business, so, I would not expect that to happen.
To move out of the realm of the BasicStamp world, you are on your own
to figure out what might be suitable for your needs.
Many look at the high cost of the Basic editors and considder going
to the free assembler, but as you know, that is major departure from
Google is your friend in this matter.
> Hi all,
> I wanted to know it there is a way to use the Basic Stamp Editor
> other PIC's. I have 2 Basic Stamp II's and are really pleased with
> them. The only reason that I want to know this information is to
> further my knowledge of the Editors capabilities, I am also trying
> become familiar with PIC's and how to program them. I have not
> programmed a PIC before and wanted to know my options when the time
> comes. I know there are Assembly programmers but I really like
> programming I find it much easier read and understand.
> Any suggestion / comments are welcome
> Thanks,
> lanceallenr
There is a gap in the area of which you speak.
Parallax *could* offer a fee based verson of PBasic that would
program other chips, but that would most certainly requre a complete
re-write of the software, and would most likley be priced comprable
with other software packages for that purpose, namely in the $250.00
price range. AND, that would put them into a whole different
business, so, I would not expect that to happen.
To move out of the realm of the BasicStamp world, you are on your own
to figure out what might be suitable for your needs.
Many look at the high cost of the Basic editors and considder going
to the free assembler, but as you know, that is major departure from
Google is your friend in this matter.