Just a question (incadescent lamps)
sure! solid state relays or even mechanical relays should work just fine
but that would be way overkill. In a pinch, this may be a quick and dirty
solution. Just make sure to drive them using a 2N2222 transistor and 1K ohm
base resistor to stamp's I/O pin. I remember someone having a link to the
schematic for connecting a relay. If you need it just ask. sure someone
will post it again.
How many lamps do you need? What is the current rating? Also keep in mind
the +12V external power source has to provide enough current for the total
current draw of each lamp. Some other options could be a power MOSFET or
TRIAC? a good one that I use with Christmas tree lights is L201E3 It comes
in a small TO-92 package and can handle 1A at 200V. a more hefty MOSFET is
the TIP122 in the TO-220 package. it can handle 5A at 100V. Good for
outdoor lighting applications. Another option would be a transistor array
ULN2803. This had 8 outputs and can handle 500ma.
At 08:56 PM 6/3/2004, you wrote:
>Hey there everyone. I finally got my project to work. The only thing is
>that the lights that were communicated (advertised) as LEDS were actually
>incadescent lamps. This means that they are needing 12V to power them
>instead of the 5V the stamp sends out at P15-P0. I am needing to figure
>out how to power them and still be able to run the program I have already
>written. I called Parallax and a rep suggested a driver board, but I have
>no time to order this. I have tried using both transistors and driver
>chips, using an outside power supply with 12V. Both proved to not work
>and still not provide the lamps with enough power/current. I was thinking
>maybe of using solid state relays. Does anyone have any idea or
>suggestions? I appreciate anything... Thanks...
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but that would be way overkill. In a pinch, this may be a quick and dirty
solution. Just make sure to drive them using a 2N2222 transistor and 1K ohm
base resistor to stamp's I/O pin. I remember someone having a link to the
schematic for connecting a relay. If you need it just ask. sure someone
will post it again.
How many lamps do you need? What is the current rating? Also keep in mind
the +12V external power source has to provide enough current for the total
current draw of each lamp. Some other options could be a power MOSFET or
TRIAC? a good one that I use with Christmas tree lights is L201E3 It comes
in a small TO-92 package and can handle 1A at 200V. a more hefty MOSFET is
the TIP122 in the TO-220 package. it can handle 5A at 100V. Good for
outdoor lighting applications. Another option would be a transistor array
ULN2803. This had 8 outputs and can handle 500ma.
At 08:56 PM 6/3/2004, you wrote:
>Hey there everyone. I finally got my project to work. The only thing is
>that the lights that were communicated (advertised) as LEDS were actually
>incadescent lamps. This means that they are needing 12V to power them
>instead of the 5V the stamp sends out at P15-P0. I am needing to figure
>out how to power them and still be able to run the program I have already
>written. I called Parallax and a rep suggested a driver board, but I have
>no time to order this. I have tried using both transistors and driver
>chips, using an outside power supply with 12V. Both proved to not work
>and still not provide the lamps with enough power/current. I was thinking
>maybe of using solid state relays. Does anyone have any idea or
>suggestions? I appreciate anything... Thanks...
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