hey im new to the group and i am interrested in using my basic stamp
II kit to make a simple guitar petal. i was wondering if this is
possible and if so, if anyone knows any good resources for
information on how to go about this. thank you.
II kit to make a simple guitar petal. i was wondering if this is
possible and if so, if anyone knows any good resources for
information on how to go about this. thank you.
the guitar pedal to do?
hey im new to the group and i am interrested in using my basic stamp
II kit to make a simple guitar petal. i was wondering if this is
possible and if so, if anyone knows any good resources for
information on how to go about this. thank you.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> hey im new to the group and i am interrested in using my basic stamp
> II kit to make a simple guitar petal. i was wondering if this is
> possible and if so, if anyone knows any good resources for
> information on how to go about this. thank you.
While you can do some things with the stamp for guitar effects, I
question the applicability, even from an experimentation standpoint.
Most effects pedals are based on simple Op-Amp designs (a 50 cent part),
and generally work by modifying the analog waveform in real-time,
through various combinations of peak clipping, delay add-ins, harmonics
generation, etc.
The stamp isn't ideally suited to pure analog work, and the amount of
outboard electronics you would need to do anything really interesting
would probably equal what it would take to just make the effects pedal
in the "traditional" way.
I have done some fiddling with effects pedals myself. I will say that
while the Stamp isn't suited to working with the analog waves directly,
there are other applications. These applications (for me at least) are
around things like precision control of input voltage (ie: you can get
that low-battery effect from a pedal, while operating off of a clean,
filtered powersupply), or creating the ability to remotely-control
settings (via 1-wire POT's), or to control multiple pedals (imagine if
you could network pedals from 3 guitarists on stage, and "tweak" them
from the soundboard...)
processing. That's why pro-audio gear uses dedicated Sharc DSP (Digital
Sound Processing) chips. At the very least, anything doing digital sound
would have to be processing 16-bit wide (two 8-bit words) audio some 40,000
plus times a second, and spit it out with at most a few milliseconds of
delay. More than 20 or 30 milliseconds of processing time, and you're
fighting the delay thing while you're playing your guitar.
That being said, I have built a bunch of guitar distortion processors that
were relay switched around 12AX7 tubes and various low-pass and band-pass
op-amp filters. A BS2 would be a great way to keep track of a bunch of these
pre-sets, and with the touch of a button call up your various gain, lead,
rhythm, and power chord settings.
Be aware that this is pretty involved, and requires a good bit of knowledge
of filter design, tube design, and audio processing in general. But it's a
great way to learn about audio signal processing, especially for guitar,
which is in its own little world.
Mike Sokol
" One should not increase, beyond what is necessary,
the number of entities required to explain anything"...
-William of Occam-
> ==================
> hey im new to the group and i am interrested in using my basic stamp
> II kit to make a simple guitar petal. i was wondering if this is
> possible and if so, if anyone knows any good resources for
> information on how to go about this. thank you.
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> II kit to make a simple guitar petal. i was wondering if this is
> possible and if so, if anyone knows any good resources for
> information on how to go about this. thank you.
I don't think the stamp has enough juice to do DSP but it could act as a
MIDI interface to analog FX circuits.
George Warner,
Schizophrenic Optimization Scientists
Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
use the stamp to turn on a certain combination of pedals with the click of
one button. good for on the fly FX changes.
Original Message
From: "George Warner" <geowar@a...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] re: music
> > hey im new to the group and i am interrested in using my basic stamp
> > II kit to make a simple guitar petal. i was wondering if this is
> > possible and if so, if anyone knows any good resources for
> > information on how to go about this. thank you.
> I don't think the stamp has enough juice to do DSP but it could act as a
> MIDI interface to analog FX circuits.
> --
> Enjoy,
> George Warner,
> Schizophrenic Optimization Scientists
> Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
potentially do some digital processing with the stamp, but it would have
to be low enough bit rate to totally trash the fidelity. You could
probably do a low bit-rate sampler with some ADC's/DAC's in the middle and
potentially do something interesting with that, but you're not going to be
able to pull/push 88,200 bytes per direction per channel-second, which is
CD rates.
On 1 Jun 2004, Brian wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-06-01 at 03:01, joey wrote:
> > hey im new to the group and i am interrested in using my basic stamp
> > II kit to make a simple guitar petal. i was wondering if this is
> > possible and if so, if anyone knows any good resources for
> > information on how to go about this. thank you.
> While you can do some things with the stamp for guitar effects, I
> question the applicability, even from an experimentation standpoint.
> Most effects pedals are based on simple Op-Amp designs (a 50 cent part),
> and generally work by modifying the analog waveform in real-time,
> through various combinations of peak clipping, delay add-ins, harmonics
> generation, etc.
> The stamp isn't ideally suited to pure analog work, and the amount of
> outboard electronics you would need to do anything really interesting
> would probably equal what it would take to just make the effects pedal
> in the "traditional" way.
> I have done some fiddling with effects pedals myself. I will say that
> while the Stamp isn't suited to working with the analog waves directly,
> there are other applications. These applications (for me at least) are
> around things like precision control of input voltage (ie: you can get
> that low-battery effect from a pedal, while operating off of a clean,
> filtered powersupply), or creating the ability to remotely-control
> settings (via 1-wire POT's), or to control multiple pedals (imagine if
> you could network pedals from 3 guitarists on stage, and "tweak" them
> from the soundboard...)
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Sean T. Lamont, CTO / Chief NetNerd, Abstract Software, Inc. (ServNet)
Seattle - Bellingham - Vancouver - Portland - Everett - Tacoma - Bremerton
email: lamont@a... WWW:
"Do not fear mistakes, There Are None" - Miles Davis
digitally-controllable resistors that have been mentioned on this list
before to do some fairly cool stuff with analog filtration. For instance,
you could use a BS2 to listen on a midi port, receive channel control
information, and change RC values on an X-pass filter, digitally. This
could be a pretty cool app, like a mini-midiverb.
On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Mike Sokol wrote:
> The BS2 doesn't have near enough horsepower to do any real-time audio
> processing. That's why pro-audio gear uses dedicated Sharc DSP (Digital
> Sound Processing) chips. At the very least, anything doing digital sound
> would have to be processing 16-bit wide (two 8-bit words) audio some 40,000
> plus times a second, and spit it out with at most a few milliseconds of
> delay. More than 20 or 30 milliseconds of processing time, and you're
> fighting the delay thing while you're playing your guitar.
> That being said, I have built a bunch of guitar distortion processors that
> were relay switched around 12AX7 tubes and various low-pass and band-pass
> op-amp filters. A BS2 would be a great way to keep track of a bunch of these
> pre-sets, and with the touch of a button call up your various gain, lead,
> rhythm, and power chord settings.
> Be aware that this is pretty involved, and requires a good bit of knowledge
> of filter design, tube design, and audio processing in general. But it's a
> great way to learn about audio signal processing, especially for guitar,
> which is in its own little world.
> Mike Sokol
> mike@f...
> " One should not increase, beyond what is necessary,
> the number of entities required to explain anything"...
> -William of Occam-
> > ==================
> > hey im new to the group and i am interrested in using my basic stamp
> > II kit to make a simple guitar petal. i was wondering if this is
> > possible and if so, if anyone knows any good resources for
> > information on how to go about this. thank you.
> >
> >
> > [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> >
> > from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
> Body of the message will be ignored.
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Sean T. Lamont, CTO / Chief NetNerd, Abstract Software, Inc. (ServNet)
Seattle - Bellingham - Vancouver - Portland - Everett - Tacoma - Bremerton
email: lamont@a... WWW:
"Do not fear mistakes, There Are None" - Miles Davis
I'm certainly willing to muse about this topic within the forum, but perhaps
the audio/music elements may be a bit too far off topic.
To elaborate a bit, we're talking about design basics for tube-based audio
processing. Some 25-plus years ago, I built a bunch of tube-based guitar
processors that acted like tiny guitar amplifiers, but without any power to
drive speakers. This was before there were MIDI-based guitar processors, so
I used IC's packs of AND and OR gates to hardwire the logic needed to
memorize a bunch of desired presets.
Of course, by doing all the control logic with a BS, you would be able to
store as many presets as you like, and change them on a whim. I had to get
out the wire-wrap tool to make any changes in the logic in my early designs.
That being said, I'll leave it up to the moderator as to the suitability of
this topic to post on the forum.
What do you think, Jon? Too far off-topic, or is BS control of tube audio
processing circuits of sufficient interest for the group? If it's too far
OT, I'll take this up with Kevin off line.
Mike Sokol
" One should not increase, beyond what is necessary,
the number of entities required to explain anything"...
-William of Occam-
Kevin Lavigne has contacted me about help with a design for a BS controlled
guitar processor. I've built a bunch of tube-based audio crunch boxes a long
time ago, and think it would be interesting to contemplate adding Basic
Stamp control to them.
For instance, by varying the power supply to the plate of a 12AX7 tube, you
can go from clean audio mode (using high-voltage: 150 volts DC or so) to
dirty crunch starved mode (low voltage (using 50 volts DC or so). This would
involve things like a BS controlled HV supply (not too difficult for the
few milliamps needed by a signal triode). We would also explore topics like
setting audio gain levels and filter boost/cuts via a Stamp using VGA or DGA
circuits (voltage or digitally controlled amplifier).
Knowing full well that many of the tech-heads on this site used to play in
bands of all sorts from blues, to rock to glam, perhaps this would an
interesting topic for the group at large. I'm not worried about propriety
circuit design... I just want everyone to get their Strats out of the closet
and throw in their 2 bits about digitally controlled tube design for audio
(inflation up from 2 cents).
Everyone please note that this IS NOT about trying to use a Basic Stamp to
process the audio itself, only to control an outboard circuit that would do
the actual distortion, compression, etc.
So Jon, is this suitable for a Basic Stamp discussion, or do we take it to
the seedy underground world of analog electronics?
P.S. I think those with the coolest design ideas should post their stage
pictures from 30 years ago. Mine are pretty scary....
Mike Sokol
" One should not increase, beyond what is necessary,
the number of entities required to explain anything"...
-William of Occam-
Original Message
From: "Kevin Lavigne" <klavigne@c...>
To: "Mike Sokol" <mike@f...>
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] music
> Hi Mike,
> I originally contacted you off-line due to off-topic concerns and the
> thought that you might not want to divulge any 'trade secrets' to the
> general populace.
> Since it seems that neither of these concerns are in effect yet, I'll be
> happy to converse within this group.
> To get everyone up to speed.....
> I'm thinking of creating a BS2 controlled tube pre-amp for use with my
> Guitar and existing power amp.
> This pre-amp should be able to produce a nice bluesy overdrive up to a
> crunch/distortion.
> I'm thinking that I may have to use two tube circuits to achieve this one
> specifically tuned to the overdrive effect and another tuned for heavy
> crunch/distortion.
> Switching/mixing between the two of these shouldn't be much of an issue
> digital pots and the BS2.
> From what I've gathered a 12AX7 based circuit/s should be able to
> accommodate this but I'll take any suggestions.
> The BS2 will use digital pots to adjust the tube circuit parameters.
> Presets will be programmed using up/down buttons with a LCD providing user
> feedback.
> Of course the presets will be stored in EEPROM for alter recall.
> Once this is working I'll probably add a MIDI interface (Slave only) so
> changes during a gig can be set by signals from a keyboard (MIDI not PC)
> a PC.
> The functionality for the BS2 point of view is already well covered, I was
> looking more for help in the tube circuit design area and
> digital/analog/Tube noise issues to watch for.
> Thanks Mike!
have at it.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Mike Sokol [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]mike@f...[/url
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 11:43 AM
Subject: Fw: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] music
Jon Williams...
Kevin Lavigne has contacted me about help with a design for a BS
controlled guitar processor. I've built a bunch of tube-based audio
crunch boxes a long time ago, and think it would be interesting to
contemplate adding Basic Stamp control to them.
For instance, by varying the power supply to the plate of a 12AX7 tube,
you can go from clean audio mode (using high-voltage: 150 volts DC or
so) to dirty crunch starved mode (low voltage (using 50 volts DC or so).
This would involve things like a BS controlled HV supply (not too
difficult for the few milliamps needed by a signal triode). We would
also explore topics like setting audio gain levels and filter boost/cuts
via a Stamp using VGA or DGA circuits (voltage or digitally controlled
Knowing full well that many of the tech-heads on this site used to play
in bands of all sorts from blues, to rock to glam, perhaps this would an
interesting topic for the group at large. I'm not worried about
propriety circuit design... I just want everyone to get their Strats out
of the closet and throw in their 2 bits about digitally controlled tube
design for audio (inflation up from 2 cents).
Everyone please note that this IS NOT about trying to use a Basic Stamp
to process the audio itself, only to control an outboard circuit that
would do the actual distortion, compression, etc.
So Jon, is this suitable for a Basic Stamp discussion, or do we take it
to the seedy underground world of analog electronics?
P.S. I think those with the coolest design ideas should post their stage
pictures from 30 years ago. Mine are pretty scary....
Mike Sokol
" One should not increase, beyond what is necessary,
the number of entities required to explain anything"... -William of
Original Message
From: "Kevin Lavigne" <klavigne@c...>
To: "Mike Sokol" <mike@f...>
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] music
> Hi Mike,
> I originally contacted you off-line due to off-topic concerns and
> the thought that you might not want to divulge any 'trade secrets' to
> the general populace. Since it seems that neither of these concerns
> are in effect yet, I'll be happy to converse within this group.
> To get everyone up to speed.....
> I'm thinking of creating a BS2 controlled tube pre-amp for use with my
> Guitar and existing power amp. This pre-amp should be able to produce
> a nice bluesy overdrive up to a
> crunch/distortion.
> I'm thinking that I may have to use two tube circuits to achieve this
> one specifically tuned to the overdrive effect and another tuned for
> heavy crunch/distortion. Switching/mixing between the two of these
> shouldn't be much of an issue
> digital pots and the BS2.
> From what I've gathered a 12AX7 based circuit/s should be able to
> accommodate this but I'll take any suggestions. The BS2 will use
> digital pots to adjust the tube circuit parameters. Presets will be
> programmed using up/down buttons with a LCD providing user feedback.
> Of course the presets will be stored in EEPROM for alter recall.
> Once this is working I'll probably add a MIDI interface (Slave only)
> changes during a gig can be set by signals from a keyboard (MIDI not
> PC)
> a PC.
> The functionality for the BS2 point of view is already well covered, I
> was looking more for help in the tube circuit design area and
> digital/analog/Tube noise issues to watch for.
> Thanks Mike!