Port configuration
Is the statement below incorrect? It states writing a 0 to Dirs will make an
pin an output..
I thought (and from previous documentation) writing a 0 to Dirs makes and
input and writing a 1 makes an output.
The information below comes from the latest "BASIC Stamp Windows Editor
version 2.1 Beta 1" at the Parallax sight as of this morning.
From the help file after doing a search on DIRS and selecting the title INPUT
There are several ways to make a pin an input. When the BASIC Stamp is reset,
all of the pins are inputs. Commands that rely on output pins, like PULSIN
and SERIN, automatically change the specified pin to input. Writing 0s to
particular bits of the variable Dirs makes the corresponding pins outputs. And then
pin an output..
I thought (and from previous documentation) writing a 0 to Dirs makes and
input and writing a 1 makes an output.
The information below comes from the latest "BASIC Stamp Windows Editor
version 2.1 Beta 1" at the Parallax sight as of this morning.
From the help file after doing a search on DIRS and selecting the title INPUT
There are several ways to make a pin an input. When the BASIC Stamp is reset,
all of the pins are inputs. Commands that rely on output pins, like PULSIN
and SERIN, automatically change the specified pin to input. Writing 0s to
particular bits of the variable Dirs makes the corresponding pins outputs. And then