running multiple relay''s from BS-1
--- In, "Albert Catano"
<acatano2002@y...> wrote:
> I beg to disagree that the equation V=L*di/dt does not apply.
> It is fundamental law you can not deny it.
> For a proper Inductor design, the Series resistance and distributed
> capacitance and associated effects are very small.
> The clamping diode Recovery time also has a very important effect
> reducing the flyback voltage effect.
You didn't quote who said that the equasion does not apply, but I had
stated earlier, or at least meant to imply that the entire circuit
effect has to be considdered and that V is effected more from the
diode in the circuit than by L*dI/dt. And although capacitors in the
switching circuit are not common in the schematics we use with
Stamps, adding a 470uF cap on the relay will have another effect that
will also alter the simplistic V=L*dI/dt.
<acatano2002@y...> wrote:
> I beg to disagree that the equation V=L*di/dt does not apply.
> It is fundamental law you can not deny it.
> For a proper Inductor design, the Series resistance and distributed
> capacitance and associated effects are very small.
> The clamping diode Recovery time also has a very important effect
> reducing the flyback voltage effect.
You didn't quote who said that the equasion does not apply, but I had
stated earlier, or at least meant to imply that the entire circuit
effect has to be considdered and that V is effected more from the
diode in the circuit than by L*dI/dt. And although capacitors in the
switching circuit are not common in the schematics we use with
Stamps, adding a 470uF cap on the relay will have another effect that
will also alter the simplistic V=L*dI/dt.