running multiple relay''s from BS-1
I beg to disagree that the equation V=L*di/dt does not apply.
It is fundamental law you can not deny it.
For a proper Inductor design, the Series resistance and distributed
capacitance and associated effects are very small.
The clamping diode Recovery time also has a very important effect in
reducing the flyback voltage effect.
The BJTs and Mosfets have some limited energy dissipation
capabilities before destruction.
If you look the VI curves for the device, there is a region of
This Avalanche region is determined by Vc (Vds), Ic (Id), Switching
speed and temperature.
You will be surprise that with a proper design, you can stress quite
a bit the device without destroy it.
It is fundamental law you can not deny it.
For a proper Inductor design, the Series resistance and distributed
capacitance and associated effects are very small.
The clamping diode Recovery time also has a very important effect in
reducing the flyback voltage effect.
The BJTs and Mosfets have some limited energy dissipation
capabilities before destruction.
If you look the VI curves for the device, there is a region of
This Avalanche region is determined by Vc (Vds), Ic (Id), Switching
speed and temperature.
You will be surprise that with a proper design, you can stress quite
a bit the device without destroy it.