basic stamp program copying
I have a project that has been dumped in my lap. the the first
designer bailed on us and it needs to be finnished quick. I have
determined that the basic stamp portion works fine, the problems are
in the interface hardware. It would save me a ton of time if I did
not have to re-write the code for the basic stamp. the problem is
the first designer did not leave the source code with the boss. Is
there a way to copy the program and burn in on other stamps? I dont
need to de-compile it or change it, I will re-write the whole thing
later, but I need to get the package running pronto.
as this is my first project involving the stamp, the learning curve
is steep, for the time I have to finnish the project.
thanks in advance
R. Burns
designer bailed on us and it needs to be finnished quick. I have
determined that the basic stamp portion works fine, the problems are
in the interface hardware. It would save me a ton of time if I did
not have to re-write the code for the basic stamp. the problem is
the first designer did not leave the source code with the boss. Is
there a way to copy the program and burn in on other stamps? I dont
need to de-compile it or change it, I will re-write the whole thing
later, but I need to get the package running pronto.
as this is my first project involving the stamp, the learning curve
is steep, for the time I have to finnish the project.
thanks in advance
R. Burns
desoldering the EE and copying it (potentially destroying it in the
process) than you'll spend re-engineering the code. Thankfully, PBASIC
is a trim and efficient language, and if you have any programming
experience at all you won't have any difficulties with it.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: robert burns [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]rv4n82rb@h...[/url
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 11:23 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] basic stamp program copying
I have a project that has been dumped in my lap. the the first
designer bailed on us and it needs to be finnished quick. I have
determined that the basic stamp portion works fine, the problems are
in the interface hardware. It would save me a ton of time if I did
not have to re-write the code for the basic stamp. the problem is
the first designer did not leave the source code with the boss. Is
there a way to copy the program and burn in on other stamps? I dont
need to de-compile it or change it, I will re-write the whole thing
later, but I need to get the package running pronto.
as this is my first project involving the stamp, the learning curve
is steep, for the time I have to finnish the project.
thanks in advance
R. Burns
Why copy if everybody can program his or hers best idea's into a Stamp
I can make a nice program for you that exactly does what YOU want but that
also will be strictly proprietary and there also will be a fee for doing
Best regards,
Original Message
From: S Parkis <parkiss@e...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2004 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] basic stamp program copying
> On 29 May 04 at 4:23, robert burns wrote:
> > ...Is there a way to copy the program and burn in on other stamps?
> > I dont need to de-compile it or change it, I will re-write the
> > whole thing later, but I need to get the package running pronto.
> With all due respect to the gurus on this list who may assert
> otherwise, this can be done quickly and simply, without a soldering
> iron or other disassembly. The technique is strictly proprietary, I
> create the copies here, and there is a fee involved for the service.
> Kindly contact me off-list if interested.
> Regards,
> Steve
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> ...Is there a way to copy the program and burn in on other stamps?
> I dont need to de-compile it or change it, I will re-write the
> whole thing later, but I need to get the package running pronto.
With all due respect to the gurus on this list who may assert
otherwise, this can be done quickly and simply, without a soldering
iron or other disassembly. The technique is strictly proprietary, I
create the copies here, and there is a fee involved for the service.
Kindly contact me off-list if interested.
> I have a project that has been dumped in my lap. the the first
> designer bailed on us and it needs to be finnished quick. I have
> determined that the basic stamp portion works fine, the problems
> in the interface hardware. It would save me a ton of time if I did
> not have to re-write the code for the basic stamp. the problem is
> the first designer did not leave the source code with the boss. Is
> there a way to copy the program and burn in on other stamps? I
> need to de-compile it or change it, I will re-write the whole thing
> later, but I need to get the package running pronto.
> as this is my first project involving the stamp, the learning curve
> is steep, for the time I have to finnish the project.
> thanks in advance
> R. Burns
Hi Robert,
you have some reasonaable answers.
My question is why you don't have the code ? Anybody that was paid
for work should give you the code for what they were paid to create.
if, you are bootlegging then you have solutions for that as well.
For some $$$ you can have any number of people on here make you a
fully documented, fully functional program with all the code for
future changes.
And, if the Stamp works fine, then pull it and put it in your new
One 'problem' people encounter with copying work from others is the
EasterEggs in the code. imagine the embarrasement if some one
connected that Stamp to a serial line and the copywrite came spilling
out on an LCD !
Or, worse for you, if some combination of things in the Stamp were
written wrong and that odd sequence of events occured and the program
went krazy.
I can feel the need to meet a deadline, but in the week it takes to
get a program written or a chip duplicated, you can get fully
documented code. And, as you said, you will need it sooner or later
my .02 cents