running multiple relay''s from BS-1
Hello, I am new to using micorcontrollers, I have a First Step BS-1
and would like to use it to controll a few air valves (as many as 4
from 1 controller). From what I have read the BS-1 does not have
enough output mA's to turn on and off relay's it self.
I have read throug this form and see reffernces to using MOSFET's;
transistors, other contoller chips etc. and am getting a bit
If possible can someone please set me straight on how I should
controll 4 @ 24VDC (or 12VDC I have ideas for both) air valves from
the BS-1. and if possible a schmatic or visual diagram of how to
connect these things would be very helpfull for me to understand this
thanks you
and would like to use it to controll a few air valves (as many as 4
from 1 controller). From what I have read the BS-1 does not have
enough output mA's to turn on and off relay's it self.
I have read throug this form and see reffernces to using MOSFET's;
transistors, other contoller chips etc. and am getting a bit
If possible can someone please set me straight on how I should
controll 4 @ 24VDC (or 12VDC I have ideas for both) air valves from
the BS-1. and if possible a schmatic or visual diagram of how to
connect these things would be very helpfull for me to understand this
thanks you