clock feature
I need to make a lapse time circuit with BS2, could some one help me
with the circuit and the code to be use?
I think I need to use a rc time circuit and a pulsin command base
code... The result has to be acummulated in a variable and the
result to be seen in a lcd display.
with the circuit and the code to be use?
I think I need to use a rc time circuit and a pulsin command base
code... The result has to be acummulated in a variable and the
result to be seen in a lcd display.
> I need to make a lapse time circuit with BS2, could some one help
> with the circuit and the code to be use?
> I think I need to use a rc time circuit and a pulsin command base
> code... The result has to be acummulated in a variable and the
> result to be seen in a lcd display.
> Thanks
There are a few differences in the types of timers that are used.
A timer that is based on chip clock cycles or program clock cycles
can be effected by changes in the program. ie: if you add another
loop or change different things in the program the timing can change.
Not a problem, just something you need to be aware of.
There are also external pulse generators and real time clocks.
A real time clock like the DS1302 can offer seconds, minutes,
hours.... so you can use that to have some time reference for your
Real time clocks....
512K plug-in EEPROM.......
are you talking second, hours, days?
--- In, "grivacoba" <grivacoba@y...>
> I need to make a lapse time circuit with BS2, could some one help
> with the circuit and the code to be use?
> I think I need to use a rc time circuit and a pulsin command base
> code... The result has to be acummulated in a variable and the
> result to be seen in a lcd display.
> Thanks
we need to know a little more.
are you talking second, hours, days?
--- In, "grivacoba"
> I need to make a lapse time circuit with BS2, could some one help
> with the circuit and the code to be use?
> I think I need to use a rc time circuit and a pulsin command base
> code... The result has to be acummulated in a variable and the
> result to be seen in a lcd display.
> Thanks
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I need to messure time to branch to a subroutine when a specific event happen. This event could happen in 3 minutes up to 3 hours, but not more than 6. It will be a nice feature if the real time could be also displayed. In other words I try to have a timer that will triger an event after n minutes or hours automatically, and will be nice to see real time to see the current time.
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