Cannot connect to my LAPTOP
I can't connect my BS2 to my laptops (toshiba & acer).
Everytime I scanned the Com port, it says LOOPBACK=YES and ECHO=NO.
My toshiba is running Win98 and Acer is running on WinXP.
Pls help me....
Bronson Alex
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I can't connect my BS2 to my laptops (toshiba & acer).
Everytime I scanned the Com port, it says LOOPBACK=YES and ECHO=NO.
My toshiba is running Win98 and Acer is running on WinXP.
Pls help me....
Bronson Alex
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>I can't connect my BS2 to my laptops (toshiba & acer).
>Everytime I scanned the Com port, it says LOOPBACK=YES and ECHO=NO.
>My toshiba is running Win98 and Acer is running on WinXP.
>Pls help me....
>Bronson Alex
Hi -
This is not at all unusual on certain laptop computers. Try the following:
My Computer --> Control Panel --> Modems --> Port Settings
Set the FIFO BUFFER down as low as it will go, even to OFF and give it another shot.
Bruce Bates
I had the same problems. Lucky for me that I have 2 desktop and 3
(Toshiba) laptops.
With (desktop) operation system 2000 Pro. I wasn't able to
commnunicate with my bacic stamp v2.0 in administrator level. If I
change to difference user it will work fine. One more thing about
administrator level if you repeated about 20 time it will find it one
time. But it will still come up with "NO BASIC FOUND." with the RUN
For the laptops (305CDS OS-95, 1695 OS-98, 4060CDT OS-2000) Working
on my 4060CDT try to IDENTIFY. It's not finding the ports. I had try
changing the FIFO, NO LUCK. My other 2 (with OS 95, 98) they both
working fine (uncheck FIFO).
Since my 4060CDT didn't come with any software (2000). So decided to
format the hard drive to 98. With FIFO check didn't work, Uncheck the
FIFO and it work great.
So the bottom line that IT might work with 2000! Hope this help.
Before starting any work on the laptops. Be sure to have the lated
drivers for your COM PORTS.
Alan D.
--- In, Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:
> At 10:17 AM 5/21/04 +0700, ALTRAMAN wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I can't connect my BS2 to my laptops (toshiba & acer).
> >Everytime I scanned the Com port, it says LOOPBACK=YES and ECHO=NO.
> >My toshiba is running Win98 and Acer is running on WinXP.
> >Pls help me....
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Bronson Alex
> Hi -
> This is not at all unusual on certain laptop computers. Try the
> My Computer --> Control Panel --> Modems --> Port Settings
> Set the FIFO BUFFER down as low as it will go, even to OFF and give
it another shot.
> Regards,
> Bruce Bates