Can use some IR transponders help, Thanks
Hello, you have a new be here. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Ok here is the problem and what I need help with. We race mini-z and
xmod 1/28 scale race cars. The cars are real small 6" or less in
lenght so a normal RC transponder will not work for a lap counter (It
is to big nd can not be put under the body shell.
here is were I can use the help. I would like to build some sort of
transponder system that we can use to count laps for up to 16 cars
raceing at one time. My first idea would be to use RFID tags the
same thing Wal Mart isuseing for stock invantory or the bio tags that
are used by the vet to ID lost your dog or cat.
I have no clue on how to make a detector for the RFID tags.
My next Idea was to put a small IR LED on the car that a Basic stamp
can detect as it runs over the finish line. This would be my best
The problem is I have no idea how to make the small transponders for
the cars. I would like them to be cheap to build and have some sort
of 8 bit dip swich for car ID (8 bit word 256 cars or 4 bit word 16
On car transponder must be Cheap and easy to build
On car transponder must be light and tuff
On car transponder must be able to run on less than 5 volts (4xAAA)
Able to keep track of up to 256 cars but no less than 16 crs
use the Basic stamp to interface with the computer and keep score
Some how figure out a way for the system to comunicate with a
computer based lap counter program or make a simple program that will
count laps.
I know I will get a lot of read a book etc. and learn your self.
Please, I do not need that (If you Brakes do not work and you bring
to me I never say fix it your self etc.) We just need somthing that
works and works well. I just do not have the time to spend and
figure this all out as my electronic skills or real old and rusty at
this time (1991) or so and I could be at it for years and would like
to get somthing done in 6 months or so that works.
If you think you cn help let me know nd we can try working on this
and getting somthing out that works real nice for every one.
Eric Hall
Ok here is the problem and what I need help with. We race mini-z and
xmod 1/28 scale race cars. The cars are real small 6" or less in
lenght so a normal RC transponder will not work for a lap counter (It
is to big nd can not be put under the body shell.
here is were I can use the help. I would like to build some sort of
transponder system that we can use to count laps for up to 16 cars
raceing at one time. My first idea would be to use RFID tags the
same thing Wal Mart isuseing for stock invantory or the bio tags that
are used by the vet to ID lost your dog or cat.
I have no clue on how to make a detector for the RFID tags.
My next Idea was to put a small IR LED on the car that a Basic stamp
can detect as it runs over the finish line. This would be my best
The problem is I have no idea how to make the small transponders for
the cars. I would like them to be cheap to build and have some sort
of 8 bit dip swich for car ID (8 bit word 256 cars or 4 bit word 16
On car transponder must be Cheap and easy to build
On car transponder must be light and tuff
On car transponder must be able to run on less than 5 volts (4xAAA)
Able to keep track of up to 256 cars but no less than 16 crs
use the Basic stamp to interface with the computer and keep score
Some how figure out a way for the system to comunicate with a
computer based lap counter program or make a simple program that will
count laps.
I know I will get a lot of read a book etc. and learn your self.
Please, I do not need that (If you Brakes do not work and you bring
to me I never say fix it your self etc.) We just need somthing that
works and works well. I just do not have the time to spend and
figure this all out as my electronic skills or real old and rusty at
this time (1991) or so and I could be at it for years and would like
to get somthing done in 6 months or so that works.
If you think you cn help let me know nd we can try working on this
and getting somthing out that works real nice for every one.
Eric Hall