Hyper Clear
A while back someone posted the command top clear the screen in
Hyperterminal. I had it but I lost it. Does anyone remember that command?
Sid Weaver
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Hyperterminal. I had it but I lost it. Does anyone remember that command?
Sid Weaver
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tracy@e... writes:
> Control+L (decimal 12)
> -- maybe.
That works just fine, Tracy. Thanks.
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>Hyperterminal. I had it but I lost it. Does anyone remember that command?
>Sid Weaver
Control+L (decimal 12)
-- maybe.
Note that HTPE has the capability to emulate several different
terminals. By default it comes up in ANSI emulation. You can google
that and find all the control codes available. It also can emulate
VT100 etc etc., which you choose in the "Emulation" drop box under
file/properties/setting, and that is stored with the connection
If you choose TTY as the terminal emulation, it will no longer
respond to most of those control codes except LF and CR and maybe a
few others.
-- regards,
On Tue, 18 May 2004, Tracy Allen wrote:
> >A while back someone posted the command top clear the screen in
> >Hyperterminal. I had it but I lost it. Does anyone remember that command?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Sid Weaver
> Control+L (decimal 12)
> -- maybe.
> Note that HTPE has the capability to emulate several different
> terminals. By default it comes up in ANSI emulation. You can google
> that and find all the control codes available. It also can emulate
> VT100 etc etc., which you choose in the "Emulation" drop box under
> file/properties/setting, and that is stored with the connection
> profile.
> If you choose TTY as the terminal emulation, it will no longer
> respond to most of those control codes except LF and CR and maybe a
> few others.
> -- regards,
> Tracy
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"Do not fear mistakes, There Are None" - Miles Davis