Adaptor socket board
Does any one know of an adapter board that the BS2 sits on and can be inserted into a socket something like the old video games. It is for changing BS2's without touching the pins and to be installed adjacent to the main circuit that I am developing.
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"Zero Insertion Force" sockets (ZIF).
Aries Electronics sells them with a little lever
for opening the contacts. There are several
models available -- some with lever, some with
other 'locking' methods.
--- In, basil makhoul
<basilmelbourne@y...> wrote:
> Does any one know of an adapter board that the BS2 sits on and can
be inserted into a socket something like the old video games. It is
for changing BS2's without touching the pins and to be installed
adjacent to the main circuit that I am developing.
> Regards...Basil
> Do you Yahoo!?
> SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.
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<basilmelbourne@y...> wrote:
> Does any one know of an adapter board that the BS2 sits on and can
be inserted into a socket something like the old video games. It is
for changing BS2's without touching the pins and to be installed
adjacent to the main circuit that I am developing.
> Regards...Basil
Do you mean a ZIF Socket?
Chris Savage
Knight Designs