using bs2p to power a 12v lamp?
i have a group of 12v train set lamps i would like to turn on and
off using a basic stamp. how do i get 12 volts from an output on the
bs2p and demo board. thanks mark
off using a basic stamp. how do i get 12 volts from an output on the
bs2p and demo board. thanks mark
This part will work if the current is under 500mA There is also a
good article here for controlling
higher voltage devices.
Stephen Swanson
Technical Support Manager
Parallax, Inc.
599 Menlo Drive, #100
Rocklin, CA 95765
Phone (916) 624-8333
Original Message
From: sponsitility [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]markmcleod50@y...[/url
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 12:53 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] using bs2p to power a 12v lamp?
i have a group of 12v train set lamps i would like to turn on and
off using a basic stamp. how do i get 12 volts from an output on the
bs2p and demo board. thanks mark
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12V source.
Ref: Nuts & Volts #6 "Silicon Steriods for your Stamp"
On the other hand, if the lights are stationary (i.e. RR Crossing vs.
lights on a moving train), you might want to consider replacing them
with 5V LED's ... Then you could do kool things like raise and lower
crossings and blinking lights and even a miniture airport with the
sequential lights :-) Sounds like a fun project!
--- In, "sponsitility"
<markmcleod50@y...> wrote:
> i have a group of 12v train set lamps i would like to turn on and
> off using a basic stamp. how do i get 12 volts from an output on
> bs2p and demo board. thanks mark
--- In, "Stephen Swanson" <sswanson@p...>
> Hello,
> This part will work if the current is under 500mA
> There is
also a
> good article here
> for
> higher voltage devices.
> Stephen Swanson
> Technical Support Manager
> Parallax, Inc.
> 599 Menlo Drive, #100
> Rocklin, CA 95765
> Phone (916) 624-8333
Original Message
> From: sponsitility [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:markmcleod50@y...]
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 12:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] using bs2p to power a 12v lamp?
> i have a group of 12v train set lamps i would like to turn on and
> off using a basic stamp. how do i get 12 volts from an output on
> bs2p and demo board. thanks mark
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> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the
> and Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> This message has been scanned by WebShield. Please report SPAM to
> abuse@p...
> Hello,
> This part will work if the current is under 500mA
The ULN2803 is a good chip, but one word or caution is that you
cannot load all 8 channels silumutaniouslyouly (extra letters added
to make sure I got them all in there)
8 channles at 500mA is 4 amps. the chip cannot handle that high of a
> There is also a
> good article here
> for
> higher voltage devices.
> Stephen Swanson
> Technical Support Manager
> Parallax, Inc.
> 599 Menlo Drive, #100
> Rocklin, CA 95765
> Phone (916) 624-8333
Original Message
> From: sponsitility [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:markmcleod50@y...]
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 12:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] using bs2p to power a 12v lamp?
> i have a group of 12v train set lamps i would like to turn on and
> off using a basic stamp. how do i get 12 volts from an output on
> bs2p and demo board. thanks mark
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> Yahoo! Groups Links
> This message has been scanned by WebShield. Please report SPAM to
> abuse@p...