Hey there,
We've posted a neat application on our web site that maps the path of
travel of your robot on a PC:
Having seen many Boe-Bot applications, this one stands out as being
really well-designed and functional. It comes pretty close to answering
the "where is my robot?" problem using encoders and RF modules. The
Boe-dar.exe software for this project is free and the protocol for
interfacing to it is published in our documentation. Quite a few
variations could be made to the stock project.
I'm interested in your feedback on the application, either on the list
or off-line.
Ken Gracey kgracey@p...
Parallax, Inc.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We've posted a neat application on our web site that maps the path of
travel of your robot on a PC:
Having seen many Boe-Bot applications, this one stands out as being
really well-designed and functional. It comes pretty close to answering
the "where is my robot?" problem using encoders and RF modules. The
Boe-dar.exe software for this project is free and the protocol for
interfacing to it is published in our documentation. Quite a few
variations could be made to the stock project.
I'm interested in your feedback on the application, either on the list
or off-line.
Ken Gracey kgracey@p...
Parallax, Inc.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]