barometric pressure
I'm looking to measure barometric pressure with a bs2 and ??? Does
anyone know of an IC or something else that will do this for me? Any
help anyone could give me is appreciated. Thank you.
anyone know of an IC or something else that will do this for me? Any
help anyone could give me is appreciated. Thank you.
--- In, "gilabite" <gilabite@h...> wrote:
> I'm looking to measure barometric pressure with a bs2 and ??? Does
> anyone know of an IC or something else that will do this for me?
> help anyone could give me is appreciated. Thank you.
<upand_at_them@y...> wrote:
> --- In, "gilabite" <gilabite@h...>
> > I'm looking to measure barometric pressure with a bs2 and ???
> > anyone know of an IC or something else that will do this for me?
> Any
> > help anyone could give me is appreciated. Thank you.
Perfect thank you thats exactly what I was looking for.
weather station from parts. Its a different language and processor
but it does have great presentations about HOW to measure weather
(i.e. rainfall, humidity, pressure, wind speed, direction, etc). The
case study in the textbook is about building a weather station as a
classroom project demonstrating the use of embedded processors.
"Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR", Barnett, Cox, & O'Cull,
2003, Delmar Learning, ISBN 1401812066, about $80 at
--- In, "gilabite" <gilabite@h...> wrote:
> --- In, "upand_at_them"
> <upand_at_them@y...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- In, "gilabite" <gilabite@h...>
> wrote:
> > > I'm looking to measure barometric pressure with a bs2 and ???
> Does
> > > anyone know of an IC or something else that will do this for
> > Any
> > > help anyone could give me is appreciated. Thank you.
> Perfect thank you thats exactly what I was looking for.