Debug screen again
Well I downloaded a free version of Hyperterminal. It doesn't come
with windows xp and tried to open the stamp editor inside it. It
doesn't seem to recognize applications, just files. How do you do
this? thanks
with windows xp and tried to open the stamp editor inside it. It
doesn't seem to recognize applications, just files. How do you do
this? thanks
ralphtrimnell@y... writes:
> Well I downloaded a free version of Hyperterminal. It doesn't come
> with windows xp and tried to open the stamp editor inside it. It
> doesn't seem to recognize applications, just files. How do you do
> this? thanks
Hyper does come with Windows XP. Click
Hyper acts like a debug window. You have to set up a Hyper file with the
correct protocol, fire up Stamp, open Hyper and it will respond just like the
debug screen.
Sid Weaver
I2C Real Time Clock.......
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