SERIN question2
I've another question about the SERIN command.
I saw an example that the baudmode of SERIN command is expressed in
Hex number, likes the following:
SERIN 16, 84+$4000, [noparse][[/noparse]char]
Is it the same as (SERIN 16, 16648, [noparse][[/noparse]char]) ?
What is the advantage of using Hex number?
Thanks all!!
I saw an example that the baudmode of SERIN command is expressed in
Hex number, likes the following:
SERIN 16, 84+$4000, [noparse][[/noparse]char]
Is it the same as (SERIN 16, 16648, [noparse][[/noparse]char]) ?
What is the advantage of using Hex number?
Thanks all!!
several 'hex' value. Keeping them in 'hex'
clearly indicates your intent.
$8000 == Open Baud Mode.
$4000 == Inverted Polarity
$2000 == 7-bit, Even parity (0 is 8-bit no)
84 == 9600 baud select value.
So, for 9600 inverted, 8 data, not Open,
you would have ($4000 + 84) for your baud mode.
I would typically define a constant for this:
I9600 CON $4000 + 84
and then use it as:
SEROUT 16, I9600, [noparse][[/noparse]MyData,13]
--- In, "ck1_chu" <ck1_chu@y...> wrote:
> I've another question about the SERIN command.
> I saw an example that the baudmode of SERIN command is expressed in
> Hex number, likes the following:
> SERIN 16, 84+$4000, [noparse][[/noparse]char]
> Is it the same as (SERIN 16, 16648, [noparse][[/noparse]char]) ?
> What is the advantage of using Hex number?
> Thanks all!!
rate "84" separate from the mode "$4000". The baud rate can be a
value from 0 up to 8191, which is the same as HEX $0 to $1fff. That
takes 13 bits, and leaves 3 bits at the top. Those three bits are
the mode bits:
+$2000 for 7 bit , even parity
+$4000 for inverted polarity (serial line rests at low level,
logical 1 is low level)
and (SEROUT only)
+$8000 open mode (only one polarity actively driven)
So when you have a baudmode written as $4000+$54, it is easy to see
what's what. But inside the stamp that is stored exactly the same as
is 16468 (but not 16648 as in your example below, which proves the
point) . It makes it easy to spot errors, for example, if you are
using a BS2p, then 9600 baud is $f0, so the baudmode is
$4000 + $f0 = $40f0 or 16624
-- Tracy
>I've another question about the SERIN command.
>I saw an example that the baudmode of SERIN command is expressed in
>Hex number, likes the following:
>SERIN 16, 84+$4000, [noparse][[/noparse]char]
>Is it the same as (SERIN 16, 16648, [noparse][[/noparse]char]) ?
>What is the advantage of using Hex number?
>Thanks all!!