programming help
Hi guys,
just wondering whether anyone can provide me with a simple example on
programming. I have
IF A > B THEN Left_Turn
but instead of A > B, i would like it to be maybe just 90% of B.
So the program i want is IF A > 90% of B THEN Left_Turn
just wondering how it is like in basicstamp language
thanks guys
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just wondering whether anyone can provide me with a simple example on
programming. I have
IF A > B THEN Left_Turn
but instead of A > B, i would like it to be maybe just 90% of B.
So the program i want is IF A > 90% of B THEN Left_Turn
just wondering how it is like in basicstamp language
thanks guys
Watch LIVE baseball games on your computer with MLB.TV, included with MSN
IF A > (90*B)/100 THEN Left_Turn
This presumes that 90*B<=65535! You have to do the multiplication first
since it is integer math. For example, assume B=200.
B*90 = 18000
18000 / 100 = 180
However, if you compute B * (90/100) then you get B*0 or 0!
The Stamp evaluates left to right so the () are not strictly necessary, but
I put them there to make the point that the order is very important.
Al Williams
* NEW: Add floating point math and analog to your Stamp
Original Message
From: Wu MengChe [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]mengche@h...[/url
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 12:29 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] programming help
Hi guys,
just wondering whether anyone can provide me with a simple example on
programming. I have
IF A > B THEN Left_Turn
but instead of A > B, i would like it to be maybe just 90% of B. So the
program i want is IF A > 90% of B THEN Left_Turn just wondering how it is
like in basicstamp language
thanks guys
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> programming. I have
> IF A > B THEN Left_Turn
> but instead of A > B, i would like it to be maybe just 90% of B.
> So the program i want is IF A > 90% of B THEN Left_Turn
> just wondering how it is like in basicstamp language
if (A > (90 * B / 100)) THEN Left_Turn
George Warner,
Schizophrenic Optimization Scientists
Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
> > just wondering whether anyone can provide me with a simple
example on
> > programming. I have
> >
> > IF A > B THEN Left_Turn
> >
> > but instead of A > B, i would like it to be maybe just 90% of B.
> > So the program i want is IF A > 90% of B THEN Left_Turn
> > just wondering how it is like in basicstamp language
> if (A > (90 * B / 100)) THEN Left_Turn
Or, if you need to implement proper rounding:
if (A > ((90 * B + 50)/ 100)) THEN Left_Turn
IF A > B */ 230 THEN Left_Turn
That is saying 230/256 instead of 90/100. But the two fractions are
very close. Another way is,
IF A > B ** 58982 THEN Left_Turn
which is saying 58982/65536, which is very close to 90/100.
-- Tracy
>--- In, George Warner <geowar@a...> wrote:
>> > just wondering whether anyone can provide me with a simple
>example on
>> > programming. I have
>> >
>> > IF A > B THEN Left_Turn
>> >
>> > but instead of A > B, i would like it to be maybe just 90% of B.
>> > So the program i want is IF A > 90% of B THEN Left_Turn
>> > just wondering how it is like in basicstamp language
>> if (A > (90 * B / 100)) THEN Left_Turn
>Or, if you need to implement proper rounding:
>if (A > ((90 * B + 50)/ 100)) THEN Left_Turn