Software to use PC as oscilloscope
In a message dated 5/4/2004 10:49:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
jhavins@e... writes:
> I am new to the Group and have searched the archives (briefly) for
> suggestions on software that might allow a PC to be used as an
> oscilloscope to aid with BASIC Stamp project development. Any
> recommendations?
Yes - take a look at the Optascope at Parallax. Great little tool !
Sid Weaver
256K of plugin EEPROM................
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
jhavins@e... writes:
> I am new to the Group and have searched the archives (briefly) for
> suggestions on software that might allow a PC to be used as an
> oscilloscope to aid with BASIC Stamp project development. Any
> recommendations?
Yes - take a look at the Optascope at Parallax. Great little tool !
Sid Weaver
256K of plugin EEPROM................
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
jhavins@e... writes:
Hello to all!
I am new to the Group and have searched the archives (briefly) for
suggestions on software that might allow a PC to be used as an
oscilloscope to aid with BASIC Stamp project development. Any
Or should I look at eBay to see what is available in a "stand
alone" 'scope?
Also, with either alternative, what speed (e.g., 100 Mhz, etc.) is
adequate for viewing BASIC Stamp and related signals? And what
probes would prove most useful?
Thank you in advance for your courtesy. I am confident that the
wisdom and experience of the Group will help me keep from blowing
money on what might turn into a "doorstop!"
You might want to check out as well, they have a couple of
different packages that will allow you to turn your PC into an O'scope
Randy Abernathy
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[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I am new to the Group and have searched the archives (briefly) for
suggestions on software that might allow a PC to be used as an
oscilloscope to aid with BASIC Stamp project development. Any
Or should I look at eBay to see what is available in a "stand
alone" 'scope?
Also, with either alternative, what speed (e.g., 100 Mhz, etc.) is
adequate for viewing BASIC Stamp and related signals? And what
probes would prove most useful?
Thank you in advance for your courtesy. I am confident that the
wisdom and experience of the Group will help me keep from blowing
money on what might turn into a "doorstop!"
> In a message dated 5/4/2004 10:49:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> jhavins@e... writes:
> > I am new to the Group and have searched the archives (briefly)
> > suggestions on software that might allow a PC to be used as an
> > oscilloscope to aid with BASIC Stamp project development. Any
> > recommendations?
> >
> Yes - take a look at the Optascope at Parallax. Great little
tool !
> Sid Weaver
> 256K of plugin EEPROM................
> Check out the latest issue of Nuts and Volts...There is freeware
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
and here's one that does real time Frequency Analysis:
look for "frequency Analyzer" link or just use this:
These need a Windows PC & sound card and they work pretty darn good! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're
Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we
Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course, if the network | is up, then we obviously don't need
Austin Office 512 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" ©VLG
billinjoplin said:
> Hello to all!
> I am new to the Group and have searched the archives (briefly) for
> suggestions on software that might allow a PC to be used as an
> oscilloscope to aid with BASIC Stamp project development. Any
> recommendations?
> Or should I look at eBay to see what is available in a "stand
> alone" 'scope?
> Also, with either alternative, what speed (e.g., 100 Mhz, etc.) is
> adequate for viewing BASIC Stamp and related signals? And what
> probes would prove most useful?
> Thank you in advance for your courtesy. I am confident that the
> wisdom and experience of the Group will help me keep from blowing
> money on what might turn into a "doorstop!"
> Cheers!
> Bill
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
> Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Choices abound in the 'scope department, and I can only tell you my take.
For digital electronics, the Optascope is a great value. It has some
distinct limitations though. It is not very accurate at reading frequency,
there can be some (I think) impedance matching issues with probes and so on.
I really like the Optascope though, and use mine all the time. You can't
find anything else like it for the price.
I also have an old Tektronics 465M. This is a great old scope, although it
only goes to 1 mHz. However, it is bullet-proof, has a built in calibrator,
and can handle much higher voltages than the Optascope. The older Tek
'scopes can be had for very little, I got mine for about $75. I would like
to get a 100mHz 'scope though.
So, for me, this combination works well, was very cheap to get into, and
does about %75 of what I would like. When you consider the prices of the
higher end 'scopes, it is a good compromise for the "financially challenged"
like myself.
Original Message
From: "billinjoplin" <jhavins@e...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 5:42 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Software to use PC as oscilloscope
> Hello to all!
> I am new to the Group and have searched the archives (briefly) for
> suggestions on software that might allow a PC to be used as an
> oscilloscope to aid with BASIC Stamp project development. Any
> recommendations?
> Or should I look at eBay to see what is available in a "stand
> alone" 'scope?
> Also, with either alternative, what speed (e.g., 100 Mhz, etc.) is
> adequate for viewing BASIC Stamp and related signals? And what
> probes would prove most useful?
> Thank you in advance for your courtesy. I am confident that the
> wisdom and experience of the Group will help me keep from blowing
> money on what might turn into a "doorstop!"
> Cheers!
> Bill
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> adequate for viewing BASIC Stamp and related signals? And what
> probes would prove most useful?
You could probably do everything you need to do with just a logic probe. The
only times I've had to grab my scope was for serial (RS232 & I2C) & PWM and
typically they ether work or they don't. (FYI: I spent over an hour once
tweaking inop code before I realized that I was connected to the wrong pin!)
George Warner,
Schizophrenic Optimization Scientists
Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
> Hello to all!
> ...suggestions on software that might allow a PC to be used as an
> oscilloscope to aid with BASIC Stamp project development...
> Cheers!
> Bill
Thank you to everyone who responded. Good suggestions! Now I have
some homework to do to get this set up.