I am using the STAMP as aa translattor for an ROV that I have built.
I am using an analog playstation controller with the circuit and
program to use the joysticks for control. The Stamp outputs serial
down a 60 ft tether to the PSC. The PSC outputs to 4 R/C speed
controllers which control the thrusters.
When i move the joysticks around slowly all of the motors respond in
the way I want them to. But when I put the vehicle under water if I
move the joysticks too fast The PSC shuts down and outputs no
signal(There is still power and it is recieving the signal since the
lights are on and blinking.) I am taking the 0-255 from the controller
and translating it to a 500-1000 range signal for the PSC (that is the
biggest range the ESCs accept). I also have not used ramping...yet.
I am using a 9v battery for the BoE with BS2SX, a 12v car battery
supplies power down the tether to the speed controllers and to a 5v
regulator for the PSC. 4 AA batteries provide 6v for power to the
speed controllers. The 12v ground and the 9v ground are tied together
to allow communication via serial.
Does anyone have any ideas on what may be causing my problems? The
ESCs can handle 12v and the amprage rating is 10x the draw on the
motors. I also have several 2200 uF caps across the 12v on the sub to
help to smooth fluctuations.
To compound my problems the computer has suddenly ceased to
communicate with the STAMP. It worked the other day and everything is
the same, but now suddenly it has ceased to work (can't open port) (No
BASIC Stamps found)
If you can help please do.
Kevin Bretney
I am using an analog playstation controller with the circuit and
program to use the joysticks for control. The Stamp outputs serial
down a 60 ft tether to the PSC. The PSC outputs to 4 R/C speed
controllers which control the thrusters.
When i move the joysticks around slowly all of the motors respond in
the way I want them to. But when I put the vehicle under water if I
move the joysticks too fast The PSC shuts down and outputs no
signal(There is still power and it is recieving the signal since the
lights are on and blinking.) I am taking the 0-255 from the controller
and translating it to a 500-1000 range signal for the PSC (that is the
biggest range the ESCs accept). I also have not used ramping...yet.
I am using a 9v battery for the BoE with BS2SX, a 12v car battery
supplies power down the tether to the speed controllers and to a 5v
regulator for the PSC. 4 AA batteries provide 6v for power to the
speed controllers. The 12v ground and the 9v ground are tied together
to allow communication via serial.
Does anyone have any ideas on what may be causing my problems? The
ESCs can handle 12v and the amprage rating is 10x the draw on the
motors. I also have several 2200 uF caps across the 12v on the sub to
help to smooth fluctuations.
To compound my problems the computer has suddenly ceased to
communicate with the STAMP. It worked the other day and everything is
the same, but now suddenly it has ceased to work (can't open port) (No
BASIC Stamps found)
If you can help please do.
Kevin Bretney