which USB adapter ?
Hi all,
I've reviewed many of the posts regarding USB adapters and BAFO seems
to the be odd-on favorite and there were some posts that the BAFO was
what Parallax was offering.
The current adapter is not a BAFO.
There is no note of USB 1.1 or 2.0 compatability and there is a link
to the drivers.
I had thought some of the USB stuff was recognised by Windows and did
not need drivers ?
My interest is two fold. one is just to program from a laptop, but
the other is to use one of these as a connection for both serial and
power from a PC.
I've reviewed many of the posts regarding USB adapters and BAFO seems
to the be odd-on favorite and there were some posts that the BAFO was
what Parallax was offering.
The current adapter is not a BAFO.
There is no note of USB 1.1 or 2.0 compatability and there is a link
to the drivers.
I had thought some of the USB stuff was recognised by Windows and did
not need drivers ?
My interest is two fold. one is just to program from a laptop, but
the other is to use one of these as a connection for both serial and
power from a PC.
> to the be odd-on favorite and there were some posts that the BAFO was
> what Parallax was offering.
> The current adapter is not a BAFO.
> http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=800-00030
> There is no note of USB 1.1 or 2.0 compatability and there is a link
> to the drivers.
> I had thought some of the USB stuff was recognised by Windows and did
> not need drivers ?
> My interest is two fold. one is just to program from a laptop, but
> the other is to use one of these as a connection for both serial and
> power from a PC.
I've just spent two weeks qualifying USB to serial adapters. Although I was
doing this for Macintosh I did test them on PeeCee's also. The Keyspan
USA-19Qi & QW devices worked ok on WinDoze '98; The USA-19 (PDA) device did
not. I couldn't get any of them to work on W2K. The drivers installed just
fine and the BS2 & Javelin IDE's both ran but nether could see the device on
the serial port. (Note: since I'm a Mac-head the problem could be one of
ignorance; I just didn't know how to wave the dead-chicken over my PeeCee to
get it to work. ;-)
I then tried the FDTI (FTDI?) and BAFO devices. Same story: Ok on W98; no-go
on W2K.
FYI: Mac OS X wouldn't do 28.8K. Period. It was a limitation of the TTY
serial layer of BSD. I hacked that to include 28.8K as a valid speed and now
all the devices except the PDA device work just fine.
BTW: I can now reset, halt, single-step, etc. the Javelin Stamp from my
Macintosh! ;-) I can download also but I haven't quiet figured out what the
embedded JVM needs for me to download to it. In other words, I know the
protocol but not the content. ;-)
George Warner,
Schizophrenic Optimization Scientists
Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
>>I've reviewed many of the posts regarding USB adapters and BAFO seems
>>to the be odd-on favorite and there were some posts that the BAFO was
>>what Parallax was offering.
>>The current adapter is not a BAFO.
>>There is no note of USB 1.1 or 2.0 compatability and there is a link
>>to the drivers.
>>I had thought some of the USB stuff was recognised by Windows and did
>>not need drivers ?
>>My interest is two fold. one is just to program from a laptop, but
>>the other is to use one of these as a connection for both serial and
>>power from a PC.
>I've just spent two weeks qualifying USB to serial adapters. Although I was
>doing this for Macintosh I did test them on PeeCee's also. The Keyspan
>USA-19Qi & QW devices worked ok on WinDoze '98; The USA-19 (PDA) device did
>not. I couldn't get any of them to work on W2K. The drivers installed just
>fine and the BS2 & Javelin IDE's both ran but nether could see the device on
>the serial port. (Note: since I'm a Mac-head the problem could be one of
>ignorance; I just didn't know how to wave the dead-chicken over my PeeCee to
>get it to work. ;-)
>I then tried the FDTI (FTDI?) and BAFO devices. Same story: Ok on W98; no-go
>on W2K.
>FYI: Mac OS X wouldn't do 28.8K. Period. It was a limitation of the TTY
>serial layer of BSD. I hacked that to include 28.8K as a valid speed and now
>all the devices except the PDA device work just fine.
>BTW: I can now reset, halt, single-step, etc. the Javelin Stamp from my
>Macintosh! ;-) I can download also but I haven't quiet figured out what the
>embedded JVM needs for me to download to it. In other words, I know the
>protocol but not the content. ;-)
I can verify that keyspan USA-19W works with a BS2 under windows 2K and
linux. I use it with the board of education with no troubles.
received a second BAFO device (about a month ago), but now they are
showing the FTDI device. Maybe they had a supply problem - they were
back ordered for a while earlier in the year.
My concern would be the operability with other serial devices.
Parallax only makes claims about using it with their stamps. I found
that the BAFO also works with several of my other devices: Yaesu VX5
ham radio, Stamp 2, Casio IR watch interface, and Garmin GPS.
It would be nice to see FTDI test results with a broader array of
Dick W7AND
On Mon, 03 May 2004 14:32:50 -0700, you wrote:
>> I've reviewed many of the posts regarding USB adapters and BAFO seems
>> to the be odd-on favorite and there were some posts that the BAFO was
>> what Parallax was offering.
>> The current adapter is not a BAFO.
>> http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=800-00030
>> There is no note of USB 1.1 or 2.0 compatability and there is a link
>> to the drivers.
>> I had thought some of the USB stuff was recognised by Windows and did
>> not need drivers ?
>> My interest is two fold. one is just to program from a laptop, but
>> the other is to use one of these as a connection for both serial and
>> power from a PC.
>I've just spent two weeks qualifying USB to serial adapters. Although I was
>doing this for Macintosh I did test them on PeeCee's also. The Keyspan
>USA-19Qi & QW devices worked ok on WinDoze '98; The USA-19 (PDA) device did
>not. I couldn't get any of them to work on W2K. The drivers installed just
>fine and the BS2 & Javelin IDE's both ran but nether could see the device on
>the serial port. (Note: since I'm a Mac-head the problem could be one of
>ignorance; I just didn't know how to wave the dead-chicken over my PeeCee to
>get it to work. ;-)
>I then tried the FDTI (FTDI?) and BAFO devices. Same story: Ok on W98; no-go
>on W2K.
>FYI: Mac OS X wouldn't do 28.8K. Period. It was a limitation of the TTY
>serial layer of BSD. I hacked that to include 28.8K as a valid speed and now
>all the devices except the PDA device work just fine.
>BTW: I can now reset, halt, single-step, etc. the Javelin Stamp from my
>Macintosh! ;-) I can download also but I haven't quiet figured out what the
>embedded JVM needs for me to download to it. In other words, I know the
>protocol but not the content. ;-)
We are working on a project where the customer has only a laptop with no
serial ports, so we are going to have to use your adapter in order for him to talk
to the Stamp. I don't know yet what his platform is but assuming it is XP,
would he:
Ddownload and install Stamp Editor
Download FTDI drivers
Connect Stamp to adapter
Connect adapter to USB port
Set Default Com Port to AUTO
Would the Stamp automatically find the USB port or do we have to do something
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
kgracey2001@y... writes:
> Let me know if you want an adapter to test it out. I'll send it to
> you right away so you can verify on your clean system and report back
> your findings to me.
That would be great, Ken. I really need to make sure I pass exactly the
right information to my customer. I under stand your "clarifications". It
appears you are plugging in the USB cable with the adapter attached but not plugged
into the Stamp.
Point Windows to the correct FTDI driver for the user's specific
operating system
Does this window come up automatically as soon as I plug in the adapter?
You said nothing about downloading the FTDI drivers - are these already on my
computer? I'm running XP.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The switcheroo we pulled is to your benefit, entirely. We used to
stock the BAFO adapter but the different operating system drivers
were not up to standard because we experienced issues with XP and
several of our products.
As part of an exhaustive search we came across the FTDI adapter.
Simply put, it's superior. FTDI is the world leader in USB to serial
chips and development tools. Their adapter works with all of our
products under a variety of operating system conditions. Aside from
the chip's firmware, FTDI has what I call "driver accountability".
Because their chip is used in anything from PDA adapters to
keyboards, you can count on them to have the best drivers.
As for using the FTDI adapter with a broader variety of products than
Stamps, I'm willing to bet you'll find better success than with your
prior adapters. Please hold the skepticism until you give it a try.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, Dick Ballard <ballardr@a...>
> Yup, Parallax pulled a switchero here. I just recently ordered and
> received a second BAFO device (about a month ago), but now they are
> showing the FTDI device. Maybe they had a supply problem - they were
> back ordered for a while earlier in the year.
> My concern would be the operability with other serial devices.
> Parallax only makes claims about using it with their stamps. I found
> that the BAFO also works with several of my other devices: Yaesu VX5
> ham radio, Stamp 2, Casio IR watch interface, and Garmin GPS.
> It would be nice to see FTDI test results with a broader array of
> products.
> Dick W7AND
> On Mon, 03 May 2004 14:32:50 -0700, you wrote:
> >> I've reviewed many of the posts regarding USB adapters and BAFO
> >> to the be odd-on favorite and there were some posts that the
BAFO was
> >> what Parallax was offering.
> >>
> >> The current adapter is not a BAFO.
> >> http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=800-00030
> >>
> >> There is no note of USB 1.1 or 2.0 compatability and there is a
> >> to the drivers.
> >>
> >> I had thought some of the USB stuff was recognised by Windows
and did
> >> not need drivers ?
> >>
> >> My interest is two fold. one is just to program from a laptop,
> >> the other is to use one of these as a connection for both serial
> >> power from a PC.
> >
> >I've just spent two weeks qualifying USB to serial adapters.
Although I was
> >doing this for Macintosh I did test them on PeeCee's also. The
> >USA-19Qi & QW devices worked ok on WinDoze '98; The USA-19 (PDA)
device did
> >not. I couldn't get any of them to work on W2K. The drivers
installed just
> >fine and the BS2 & Javelin IDE's both ran but nether could see the
device on
> >the serial port. (Note: since I'm a Mac-head the problem could be
one of
> >ignorance; I just didn't know how to wave the dead-chicken over my
PeeCee to
> >get it to work. ;-)
> >
> >I then tried the FDTI (FTDI?) and BAFO devices. Same story: Ok on
W98; no-go
> >on W2K.
> >
> >FYI: Mac OS X wouldn't do 28.8K. Period. It was a limitation of
the TTY
> >serial layer of BSD. I hacked that to include 28.8K as a valid
speed and now
> >all the devices except the PDA device work just fine.
> >
> >BTW: I can now reset, halt, single-step, etc. the Javelin Stamp
from my
> >Macintosh! ;-) I can download also but I haven't quiet figured out
what the
> >embedded JVM needs for me to download to it. In other words, I
know the
> >protocol but not the content. ;-)
Basically that's the method I use with success with a few
1. Download and install Stamp Editor
2. Plug in FTDI device adapter
3. Point Windows to the correct FTDI driver for the user's specific
operating system
These steps may not be necessary, but I do them anyway:
4. Check Windows Device Manager for the virtual COM port assigned to
the USB port - commit to memory
5. Add the COM port to the Stamp Editor if it is not already present,
then choose AUTO
Then back to the normal routine:
6. Connect FTDI USB-Serial adapter to Stamp development board
7. Program Stamp as usual
Let me know if you want an adapter to test it out. I'll send it to
you right away so you can verify on your clean system and report back
your findings to me.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, Newzed@a... wrote:
> Good morning, Ken
> We are working on a project where the customer has only a laptop
with no
> serial ports, so we are going to have to use your adapter in order
for him to talk
> to the Stamp. I don't know yet what his platform is but assuming
it is XP,
> would he:
> Ddownload and install Stamp Editor
> Download FTDI drivers
> Connect Stamp to adapter
> Connect adapter to USB port
> Set Default Com Port to AUTO
> Would the Stamp automatically find the USB port or do we have to do
> else?
> Sid
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
very much a skeptical engineer). But I will offer some background to
my comments.
I spent many extra hours in my career sorting out unintended
consequences of changes to hardware components. Not the least of these
is the omission, on the part of the computer vendors, of the legacy
serial port on desk top computers. I can't believe they saved much
doing this. On a laptop, yes, the space issue is significant.
I first tried the Belkin adapter which failed miserably on all of my
devices. I then spent a lot of time searching for another device and
found the well recommended BAFO which worked on all my stuff. It
installed without incident on Windows XP. It also has a conveniently
detachable full length USB cable which gets the adapter to a
convenient location for connection to alternate devices without
additional cabling.
So I instinctively responded cautiously to yet another change. But I
certainly do hope that the FTDI device does an even better job for
those instances where you have experienced problems, and I will keep
it in mind for the future. For now, I won't be able to comment on that
because I already have an adequate supply of the BAFO's for my own
hobby use.
Thanks for jumping in to explain the change.
Dick Ballard
On Tue, 04 May 2004 14:56:32 -0000, you wrote:
>Dick et. al,
>The switcheroo we pulled is to your benefit, entirely. We used to
>stock the BAFO adapter but the different operating system drivers
>were not up to standard because we experienced issues with XP and
>several of our products.
>As part of an exhaustive search we came across the FTDI adapter.
>Simply put, it's superior. FTDI is the world leader in USB to serial
>chips and development tools. Their adapter works with all of our
>products under a variety of operating system conditions. Aside from
>the chip's firmware, FTDI has what I call "driver accountability".
>Because their chip is used in anything from PDA adapters to
>keyboards, you can count on them to have the best drivers.
>As for using the FTDI adapter with a broader variety of products than
>Stamps, I'm willing to bet you'll find better success than with your
>prior adapters. Please hold the skepticism until you give it a try.
>Ken Gracey
>Parallax, Inc.
>--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, Dick Ballard <ballardr@a...>
>> Yup, Parallax pulled a switchero here. I just recently ordered and
>> received a second BAFO device (about a month ago), but now they are
>> showing the FTDI device. Maybe they had a supply problem - they were
>> back ordered for a while earlier in the year.
>> My concern would be the operability with other serial devices.
>> Parallax only makes claims about using it with their stamps. I found
>> that the BAFO also works with several of my other devices: Yaesu VX5
>> ham radio, Stamp 2, Casio IR watch interface, and Garmin GPS.
>> It would be nice to see FTDI test results with a broader array of
>> products.
>> Dick W7AND
>> On Mon, 03 May 2004 14:32:50 -0700, you wrote:
>> >> I've reviewed many of the posts regarding USB adapters and BAFO
>> >> to the be odd-on favorite and there were some posts that the
>BAFO was
>> >> what Parallax was offering.
>> >>
>> >> The current adapter is not a BAFO.
>> >> http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=800-00030
>> >>
>> >> There is no note of USB 1.1 or 2.0 compatability and there is a
>> >> to the drivers.
>> >>
>> >> I had thought some of the USB stuff was recognised by Windows
>and did
>> >> not need drivers ?
>> >>
>> >> My interest is two fold. one is just to program from a laptop,
>> >> the other is to use one of these as a connection for both serial
>> >> power from a PC.
>> >
>> >I've just spent two weeks qualifying USB to serial adapters.
>Although I was
>> >doing this for Macintosh I did test them on PeeCee's also. The
>> >USA-19Qi & QW devices worked ok on WinDoze '98; The USA-19 (PDA)
>device did
>> >not. I couldn't get any of them to work on W2K. The drivers
>installed just
>> >fine and the BS2 & Javelin IDE's both ran but nether could see the
>device on
>> >the serial port. (Note: since I'm a Mac-head the problem could be
>one of
>> >ignorance; I just didn't know how to wave the dead-chicken over my
>PeeCee to
>> >get it to work. ;-)
>> >
>> >I then tried the FDTI (FTDI?) and BAFO devices. Same story: Ok on
>W98; no-go
>> >on W2K.
>> >
>> >FYI: Mac OS X wouldn't do 28.8K. Period. It was a limitation of
>the TTY
>> >serial layer of BSD. I hacked that to include 28.8K as a valid
>speed and now
>> >all the devices except the PDA device work just fine.
>> >
>> >BTW: I can now reset, halt, single-step, etc. the Javelin Stamp
>from my
>> >Macintosh! ;-) I can download also but I haven't quiet figured out
>what the
>> >embedded JVM needs for me to download to it. In other words, I
>know the
>> >protocol but not the content. ;-)
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> basicstamps-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
>from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
>Yahoo! Groups Links
> serial ports, so we are going to have to use your adapter in order for him to
> to the Stamp. I don't know yet what his platform is but assuming it is XP,
> would he:
> Ddownload and install Stamp Editor
> Download FTDI drivers
> Connect Stamp to adapter
> Connect adapter to USB port
> Set Default Com Port to AUTO
> Would the Stamp automatically find the USB port or do we have to do something
> else?
Yes it will and no you won't. ;-)
George Warner,
Schizophrenic Optimization Scientists
Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
Sorry for the delay. I was in some kind of meeting most of the day.
Your adapter was sent out today by our sales department.
The FTDI adapters are on www.ftdichip.com
When you plug in the device, Windows will ask you for the driver. You
will need to point it to the correct folder, then you're on your way.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, Newzed@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 5/4/2004 2:09:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> kgracey2001@y... writes:
> > Let me know if you want an adapter to test it out. I'll send it
> > you right away so you can verify on your clean system and report
> > your findings to me.
> >
> That would be great, Ken. I really need to make sure I pass
exactly the
> right information to my customer. I under stand
your "clarifications". It
> appears you are plugging in the USB cable with the adapter attached
but not plugged
> into the Stamp.
> Point Windows to the correct FTDI driver for the user's specific
> operating system
> Does this window come up automatically as soon as I plug in the
> You said nothing about downloading the FTDI drivers - are these
already on my
> computer? I'm running XP.
> Sid
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Ken, a question unrelated to Sid's problem. (Good luck though!)
Are these the same FTDI adapters ( www.ftdichip.com ) that are
described on the www.lvr.com site, and one or two other places? I'm
thinking about buying one of the USB to parallel devices for a nearly
Stamp related project, and I would like some feedback. Feel free to
write off list, if your not so sure that your reply will be relevant
to the group's interests.
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."· Obi-Wan Kenobi
Original Message
> From: Ken Gracey [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=mNW_vFIGogdavxlbKrXA2VLA5EnJISLbwPBb9QZV2DSytV9FKW-1BS9Imo9gCgbk2HQmXz6GVgXrg7G4EORJng]kgracey2001@y...[/url
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 10:52 PM
> To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: which USB adapter ?
> Hi Sid,
> Sorry for the delay. I was in some kind of meeting most of the day.
> Your adapter was sent out today by our sales department.
> The FTDI adapters are on www.ftdichip.com
> When you plug in the device, Windows will ask you for the driver.
> will need to point it to the correct folder, then you're on your
> Ken Gracey
> Parallax, Inc.
> --- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, Newzed@a... wrote:
> > In a message dated 5/4/2004 2:09:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > kgracey2001@y... writes:
> >
> >
> > > Let me know if you want an adapter to test it out. I'll send it
> to
> > > you right away so you can verify on your clean system and report
> back
> > > your findings to me.
> > >
> >
> > That would be great, Ken. I really need to make sure I pass
> exactly the
> > right information to my customer. I under stand
> your "clarifications". It
> > appears you are plugging in the USB cable with the adapter
> but not plugged
> > into the Stamp.
> >
> > Point Windows to the correct FTDI driver for the user's specific
> > operating system
> >
> > Does this window come up automatically as soon as I plug in the
> adapter?
> > You said nothing about downloading the FTDI drivers - are these
> already on my
> > computer? I'm running XP.
> >
> > Sid
> >
> >
> > [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>Dick et. al,
>The switcheroo we pulled is to your benefit, entirely. We used to
>stock the BAFO adapter but the different operating system drivers
>were not up to standard because we experienced issues with XP and
>several of our products.
>As part of an exhaustive search we came across the FTDI adapter.
>Simply put, it's superior. FTDI is the world leader in USB to serial
>chips and development tools. Their adapter works with all of our
>products under a variety of operating system conditions. Aside from
>the chip's firmware, FTDI has what I call "driver accountability".
>Because their chip is used in anything from PDA adapters to
>keyboards, you can count on them to have the best drivers.
I'll second that. I've done a bit of USB design myself, and am
currently using the FTDI chips because of their great support of the
product, and their driver updates. They've been more than helpful from
the developer side of things, as well. I would have no qualms at all
about recommend product using their chipsets.
David Erbas-White
>As for using the FTDI adapter with a broader variety of products than
>Stamps, I'm willing to bet you'll find better success than with your
>prior adapters. Please hold the skepticism until you give it a try.
>Ken Gracey
>Parallax, Inc.
>--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, Dick Ballard <ballardr@a...>
>>Yup, Parallax pulled a switchero here. I just recently ordered and
>>received a second BAFO device (about a month ago), but now they are
>>showing the FTDI device. Maybe they had a supply problem - they were
>>back ordered for a while earlier in the year.
>>My concern would be the operability with other serial devices.
>>Parallax only makes claims about using it with their stamps. I found
>>that the BAFO also works with several of my other devices: Yaesu VX5
>>ham radio, Stamp 2, Casio IR watch interface, and Garmin GPS.
>>It would be nice to see FTDI test results with a broader array of
>>Dick W7AND
>>On Mon, 03 May 2004 14:32:50 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>I've reviewed many of the posts regarding USB adapters and BAFO
>>>>to the be odd-on favorite and there were some posts that the
>BAFO was
>>>>what Parallax was offering.
>>>>The current adapter is not a BAFO.
>>>>There is no note of USB 1.1 or 2.0 compatability and there is a
>>>>to the drivers.
>>>>I had thought some of the USB stuff was recognised by Windows
>and did
>>>>not need drivers ?
>>>>My interest is two fold. one is just to program from a laptop,
>>>>the other is to use one of these as a connection for both serial
>>>>power from a PC.
>>>I've just spent two weeks qualifying USB to serial adapters.
>Although I was
>>>doing this for Macintosh I did test them on PeeCee's also. The
>>>USA-19Qi & QW devices worked ok on WinDoze '98; The USA-19 (PDA)
>device did
>>>not. I couldn't get any of them to work on W2K. The drivers
>installed just
>>>fine and the BS2 & Javelin IDE's both ran but nether could see the
>device on
>>>the serial port. (Note: since I'm a Mac-head the problem could be
>one of
>>>ignorance; I just didn't know how to wave the dead-chicken over my
>PeeCee to
>>>get it to work. ;-)
>>>I then tried the FDTI (FTDI?) and BAFO devices. Same story: Ok on
>W98; no-go
>>>on W2K.
>>>FYI: Mac OS X wouldn't do 28.8K. Period. It was a limitation of
>the TTY
>>>serial layer of BSD. I hacked that to include 28.8K as a valid
>speed and now
>>>all the devices except the PDA device work just fine.
>>>BTW: I can now reset, halt, single-step, etc. the Javelin Stamp
>from my
>>>Macintosh! ;-) I can download also but I haven't quiet figured out
>what the
>>>embedded JVM needs for me to download to it. In other words, I
>know the
>>>protocol but not the content. ;-)
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> basicstamps-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
>from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
>Yahoo! Groups Links
I'm currently using the parallel version of the FTDI chip in a
design,with great success. Feel free to contact me directly if you have
any questions relating to that chip.
David Erbas-White
Gregg C Levine wrote:
>Hello from Gregg C Levine
>Ken, a question unrelated to Sid's problem. (Good luck though!)
>Are these the same FTDI adapters ( www.ftdichip.com ) that are
>described on the www.lvr.com site, and one or two other places? I'm
>thinking about buying one of the USB to parallel devices for a nearly
>Stamp related project, and I would like some feedback. Feel free to
>write off list, if your not so sure that your reply will be relevant
>to the group's interests.
>Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
>"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
>"Use the Force, Luke." Obi-Wan Kenobi
Original Message
>>From: Ken Gracey [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=OY-JxvT4YS8PnXA6_HlVgJd5S8n2oABgNQ9XtB8B3OqHHv3zMGt4OVL_w1C-i_444BfKtc_hZUB9hwyd]kgracey2001@y...[/url
>>Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 10:52 PM
>>To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
>>Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: which USB adapter ?
>>Hi Sid,
>>Sorry for the delay. I was in some kind of meeting most of the day.
>>Your adapter was sent out today by our sales department.
>>The FTDI adapters are on www.ftdichip.com
>>When you plug in the device, Windows will ask you for the driver.
>>will need to point it to the correct folder, then you're on your
>>Ken Gracey
>>Parallax, Inc.
>>--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, Newzed@a... wrote:
>>>In a message dated 5/4/2004 2:09:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>>>kgracey2001@y... writes:
>>>>Let me know if you want an adapter to test it out. I'll send it
>>>>you right away so you can verify on your clean system and report
>>>>your findings to me.
>>>That would be great, Ken. I really need to make sure I pass
>>exactly the
>>>right information to my customer. I under stand
>>your "clarifications". It
>>>appears you are plugging in the USB cable with the adapter
>>but not plugged
>>>into the Stamp.
>>> Point Windows to the correct FTDI driver for the user's specific
>>>operating system
>>>Does this window come up automatically as soon as I plug in the
>>>You said nothing about downloading the FTDI drivers - are these
>>already on my
>>>computer? I'm running XP.
>>>[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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