program stamp with sound?
Hey I'm a beginning E.E. major, and I have this side project I've
been working on and I could use some help. I was wondering if you
could use a BASIC stamp to play a wav file when it is turned on.
Now, I haven't used BASIC in quite a while and I have no idea about
how to go about writing a program that would play a wav file fromt
eh hardware. Maybe I could somehow incorporate compact flash? There
are circuits you can by online from quikwave but they are too
expensive. The wav file is at 44.1KHz, 16 bit, and has a lot of
highs and lows that need to be heard. THat is the reason a simple
voice recorder from radio shack won't work; It doesnt have the range
I need. Any help or insight would be GREATLY appreaciated. Thanks a
lot, I hope I get some replies [noparse]:)[/noparse]
been working on and I could use some help. I was wondering if you
could use a BASIC stamp to play a wav file when it is turned on.
Now, I haven't used BASIC in quite a while and I have no idea about
how to go about writing a program that would play a wav file fromt
eh hardware. Maybe I could somehow incorporate compact flash? There
are circuits you can by online from quikwave but they are too
expensive. The wav file is at 44.1KHz, 16 bit, and has a lot of
highs and lows that need to be heard. THat is the reason a simple
voice recorder from radio shack won't work; It doesnt have the range
I need. Any help or insight would be GREATLY appreaciated. Thanks a
lot, I hope I get some replies [noparse]:)[/noparse]