wheel chair project
I'm building a wheel chair for a friend using two brushed motors that
are controlled by power modules opto-coupled to a BS2SX.
I can run the chair while sitting in it with my lap top using pulsout
and pause but want to change over to joystick control.
Is there a resource anyone knows about on how to use a joystick
(actually two pots)as an input device to control a chair?
The H-bridge forward/reverse is not the challenge, using an analog
input is what has me stumped.
are controlled by power modules opto-coupled to a BS2SX.
I can run the chair while sitting in it with my lap top using pulsout
and pause but want to change over to joystick control.
Is there a resource anyone knows about on how to use a joystick
(actually two pots)as an input device to control a chair?
The H-bridge forward/reverse is not the challenge, using an analog
input is what has me stumped.
>I'm building a wheel chair for a friend using two brushed motors that
>are controlled by power modules opto-coupled to a BS2SX.
>I can run the chair while sitting in it with my lap top using pulsout
>and pause but want to change over to joystick control.
>Is there a resource anyone knows about on how to use a joystick
>(actually two pots)as an input device to control a chair?
>The H-bridge forward/reverse is not the challenge, using an analog
>input is what has me stumped.
Chris -
Take a look here for wheelchair motor controllers, joystick interfaces, and
other similar equipment: http://divelec.tripod.com/id1.html . This all designed
for actual use on wheelchairs which a good deal of similar equipment is not.
Bruce Bates
> I'm building a wheel chair for a friend using two brushed motors
> are controlled by power modules opto-coupled to a BS2SX.
> I can run the chair while sitting in it with my lap top using
> and pause but want to change over to joystick control.
> Is there a resource anyone knows about on how to use a joystick
> (actually two pots)as an input device to control a chair?
> The H-bridge forward/reverse is not the challenge, using an analog
> input is what has me stumped.
> thanks
> chris
Hi Chris,
The options for analogue input are pretty wide.
Read up on POT and RCTime as inputs to see if you can get the
resolution you need.
I am thinking you can get enough as for my experiances, you can live
with a handfull of 'steps' in the speed ranges.
If you can divide a pot input to 10 steps, then the wheel chair would
appear to shift gears as you moved up in steps. But, I'm betting you
can do much better than that.
Also,instead of a linear 1:1 output speed to input signal, I'd
recomend you try a much lower first gear. My experiance is more with
hi-lift jacks on construction sites, but the idea is the same.
the problem for is that I am not on them often enough and when I'm 20
feet in the air and want to nudge the thin forward a few inches, it
jumps and scares the be-geebers out of me.
I would much preferr a non-linear ramping with a very slow crawl to
start. And IMHO, the difference between 3/4 and full speed is not as
And, if you want really high resolution, use out ChipCircuit-ADC. It
sandwiches between the Stamp and the stamp socket so add 10 channels
of 12 bit ADC. And the code snips are there so you can plug it in
and get it running quickly.
It may be overkill for your app, but it is worth a look.
Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:At 01:49 AM 4/27/04 +0000, n8101g wrote:
>I'm building a wheel chair for a friend using two brushed motors that
>are controlled by power modules opto-coupled to a BS2SX.
>I can run the chair while sitting in it with my lap top using pulsout
>and pause but want to change over to joystick control.
>Is there a resource anyone knows about on how to use a joystick
>(actually two pots)as an input device to control a chair?
>The H-bridge forward/reverse is not the challenge, using an analog
>input is what has me stumped.
Chris -
Take a look here for wheelchair motor controllers, joystick interfaces, and
other similar equipment: http://divelec.tripod.com/id1.html . This all designed
for actual use on wheelchairs which a good deal of similar equipment is not.
Bruce Bates
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machine quality joysticks with real microswitches for input from.
http://hapcontrols.com They are relatively inexpensive as well.
$8.95 for the 4 position standard joystick. it operates in 8 positions
diagonally by accessing two switchs at once. I have used them for years and
never had a failure. Hap also sells high quality pushbutton switchs for a
few dollars.
Good luck.
At 05:37 PM 5/18/04 -0700, you wrote:
>If you don't 45 degree travel direction, how about using the the joystick
to operate forward ,back, left, right switches.
>Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:At 01:49 AM 4/27/04 +0000,
n8101g wrote:
>>I'm building a wheel chair for a friend using two brushed motors that
>>are controlled by power modules opto-coupled to a BS2SX.
>>I can run the chair while sitting in it with my lap top using pulsout
>>and pause but want to change over to joystick control.
>>Is there a resource anyone knows about on how to use a joystick
>>(actually two pots)as an input device to control a chair?
>>The H-bridge forward/reverse is not the challenge, using an analog
>>input is what has me stumped.
>Chris -
>Take a look here for wheelchair motor controllers, joystick interfaces, and
>other similar equipment: http://divelec.tripod.com/id1.html . This all
>for actual use on wheelchairs which a good deal of similar equipment is not.
>Bruce Bates
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>from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
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>Yahoo! Groups Links
>Do you Yahoo!?
>SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.
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Very respectfully, your obedient servant.
Brig. Gen. Johnston Pettigrew
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Kerry Barlow
p.o. box 21
kirkwood ny
input of the comparitor has a pulse train on it. As the joystick moves, it
changes the reference level, and the pulse train will have different widths
depending upon where it's at. Different widths translate into different
average power/Voltage levels to the motors.
Original Message
From: Philip Gmblin [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=v9iwKz2BJRjs0a0Jp2brNdo_wa0wNOnZjXPp-BWHj9hXDATQfeqG8TDU0t4zHdrkjTWLH3uU8lLCfFQO]pipeguy3153@y...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 8:37 PM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] wheel chair project
If you don't 45 degree travel direction, how about using the the joystick to
operate forward ,back, left, right switches.
Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:At 01:49 AM 4/27/04 +0000, n8101g
>I'm building a wheel chair for a friend using two brushed motors that
>are controlled by power modules opto-coupled to a BS2SX.
>I can run the chair while sitting in it with my lap top using pulsout
>and pause but want to change over to joystick control.
>Is there a resource anyone knows about on how to use a joystick
>(actually two pots)as an input device to control a chair?
>The H-bridge forward/reverse is not the challenge, using an analog
>input is what has me stumped.
Chris -
Take a look here for wheelchair motor controllers, joystick interfaces, and
other similar equipment: http://divelec.tripod.com/id1.html . This all
for actual use on wheelchairs which a good deal of similar equipment is not.
Bruce Bates
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