I downloaded your files with great interest. However, when I try to open either one (unzipped .mdb files), Access '97 says "Unrecognized data format". I've not seen this before. What version did you use?
Wilson_Logan <wilson.logan@n...> wrote:
Hi Dave,
If I'd know you were doing this sort of stuff I'd have been picking your brains about it. I'm doing a PIC based 2 channel data logger. Anyway I've spent the last couple of days DL'ing basicstamps and the resultant archives are here:
http://www.pgoffline.com/groupmanager/basicstamps-1.zip 13.8 Mb (messages 1 - 20000)
http://www.pgoffline.com/groupmanager/basicstamps-2.zip 19.0 Mb (messages 20001 - 43581)
The application is here:
homepage here: http://www.pgoffline.com
$15.99 after 30 day trial. Don't like it? Chuck it & keep the archives (in standard MS Access format).
Wilson Logan (PGOffline creator).
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I downloaded your files with great interest. However, when I try to open either one (unzipped .mdb files), Access '97 says "Unrecognized data format". I've not seen this before. What version did you use?
Wilson_Logan <wilson.logan@n...> wrote:
Hi Dave,
If I'd know you were doing this sort of stuff I'd have been picking your brains about it. I'm doing a PIC based 2 channel data logger. Anyway I've spent the last couple of days DL'ing basicstamps and the resultant archives are here:
http://www.pgoffline.com/groupmanager/basicstamps-1.zip 13.8 Mb (messages 1 - 20000)
http://www.pgoffline.com/groupmanager/basicstamps-2.zip 19.0 Mb (messages 20001 - 43581)
The application is here:
homepage here: http://www.pgoffline.com
$15.99 after 30 day trial. Don't like it? Chuck it & keep the archives (in standard MS Access format).
Wilson Logan (PGOffline creator).
To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
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Do you Yahoo!?
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