Urgent BS1 help needed from newbie
Hi! I've just joined the group, and urgently need some help, if at all
Brief background: I've been doing embedded control programming for 25+
years, but this is the first time I've ever used the Basic Stamp. I
consider myself fairly knowledgeable in microcontrollers, assembly
language, etc., and have designed/built many device programmers over the
years as well. This is by way of being able to 'gauge' my background
for any reply -- in other words, I'm a complete novice on the Basic
Stamp, but am very knowledgeable on embedded programming in general.
I have a client who had a device built about 9 years ago using the BS1.
The 'source' code is available (hopefully it is accurate, there are no
comments or documentation for it), but it was a project that was
'shelved' because it never worked quite right, and the original engineer
is long gone. The unit 'sort of' worked, in the sense that I believe
the BS1 was doing what it was being told to do, but there are several
flaws that I've found in the code that are partially responsible for the
problems (the other problems having to do with hardware issues with the
device the BS1 is talking to).
I have reviewed/understand the code (reasonably well), and have looked
at the Basic Stamp design sufficiently to see how it is put together. I
needed to download/change the code, so I downloaded the 2.1 beta program
for doing the programming. This appears to be the only current version
of code that will work with the BS1 unit. By the way, I am using WinXP
Pro for my development station.
It appears that the only current way to program the BS1 is through a
serial port adapter. Even though the needed adapter is only $5, I can't
afford the time (this is an emergency for my client), and so I built one
by hand using parts from Radio Shack (and, of course, the Radio Shack
transistors didn't match the pin-out on the package, but I digress).
Although the adapter did not work at first, once I got the right
orientation for the transistors, the ver. 2.1 beta program was able to
'see' the BS1 on my COM port.
The problem came about when I tried to 'run' the program. The BS1 unit
would be found, it would indicate that it was sending the data to the
device, and then right at the end of transferring the data, it would
have an "access violation at 00403304 in Stampw_v2.1_Beta_1.exe" and
would not continue. The BS1 at this point no longer appears to run any
program (the original program has been 're-loaded', in theory, but it's
not working). I tried to enable debug to see what is going on, but
because I get the error message each time, there is obviously some
problem (I assume with the beta program).
So, here are my questions (in no particular order):
1. Has anyone experienced this particular error? Anyone know what
causes it, or how to avoid it?
2. Is there another windows version of software that will work for the BS1?
3. If not, must one use the DOS version of programming software to
program the BS1?
4. If one must use a previous version of programming software, does one
need to revert to a parallel port programming cable? If so, is it just
a matter of a couple of wires to a connector, or is additional circuitry
needed (as with the serial converter)?
5. If one must use the DOS version, how much of a 'DOS' environment is
necessary? Could a 'boot from floppy' version of Win98 or Win95 DOS
work, or must it be something like DOS 6?
6. Any additional pointers that anyone can give? My goal is to simply
make the 'relatively' minor modifications necessary and reload the
program. It would be gravy to get something like the DEBUG command to work.
Thanks in advance to any/all who respond, any help is appreciated.
David Erbas-White
Brief background: I've been doing embedded control programming for 25+
years, but this is the first time I've ever used the Basic Stamp. I
consider myself fairly knowledgeable in microcontrollers, assembly
language, etc., and have designed/built many device programmers over the
years as well. This is by way of being able to 'gauge' my background
for any reply -- in other words, I'm a complete novice on the Basic
Stamp, but am very knowledgeable on embedded programming in general.
I have a client who had a device built about 9 years ago using the BS1.
The 'source' code is available (hopefully it is accurate, there are no
comments or documentation for it), but it was a project that was
'shelved' because it never worked quite right, and the original engineer
is long gone. The unit 'sort of' worked, in the sense that I believe
the BS1 was doing what it was being told to do, but there are several
flaws that I've found in the code that are partially responsible for the
problems (the other problems having to do with hardware issues with the
device the BS1 is talking to).
I have reviewed/understand the code (reasonably well), and have looked
at the Basic Stamp design sufficiently to see how it is put together. I
needed to download/change the code, so I downloaded the 2.1 beta program
for doing the programming. This appears to be the only current version
of code that will work with the BS1 unit. By the way, I am using WinXP
Pro for my development station.
It appears that the only current way to program the BS1 is through a
serial port adapter. Even though the needed adapter is only $5, I can't
afford the time (this is an emergency for my client), and so I built one
by hand using parts from Radio Shack (and, of course, the Radio Shack
transistors didn't match the pin-out on the package, but I digress).
Although the adapter did not work at first, once I got the right
orientation for the transistors, the ver. 2.1 beta program was able to
'see' the BS1 on my COM port.
The problem came about when I tried to 'run' the program. The BS1 unit
would be found, it would indicate that it was sending the data to the
device, and then right at the end of transferring the data, it would
have an "access violation at 00403304 in Stampw_v2.1_Beta_1.exe" and
would not continue. The BS1 at this point no longer appears to run any
program (the original program has been 're-loaded', in theory, but it's
not working). I tried to enable debug to see what is going on, but
because I get the error message each time, there is obviously some
problem (I assume with the beta program).
So, here are my questions (in no particular order):
1. Has anyone experienced this particular error? Anyone know what
causes it, or how to avoid it?
2. Is there another windows version of software that will work for the BS1?
3. If not, must one use the DOS version of programming software to
program the BS1?
4. If one must use a previous version of programming software, does one
need to revert to a parallel port programming cable? If so, is it just
a matter of a couple of wires to a connector, or is additional circuitry
needed (as with the serial converter)?
5. If one must use the DOS version, how much of a 'DOS' environment is
necessary? Could a 'boot from floppy' version of Win98 or Win95 DOS
work, or must it be something like DOS 6?
6. Any additional pointers that anyone can give? My goal is to simply
make the 'relatively' minor modifications necessary and reload the
program. It would be gravy to get something like the DEBUG command to work.
Thanks in advance to any/all who respond, any help is appreciated.
David Erbas-White
from a DOS floppy should work. The big problem with
using Win NT, Win 2000, or WIN XP is that these
'big-boy' operating systems treat any 'inp' or 'outp'
direct port instruction as PRIVELEGED -- and you get
a privelege violation when a legacy DOS program tries
to directly toggle the parallel port.
There do exist 'system driver' programs which
re-enable the inp and outp functionality for
'normal' programs -- but you would be opening a
security hole in your XP installation.
Booting into DOS should get around this OS limitation.
I believe the parallel port cable is VERY simple --
just a few wires.
The other problem is: Do you really HAVE a parallel
port? Recently, PC's are starting to be built which
only have USB.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, David Erbas-White <derbas@a...>
> Hi! I've just joined the group, and urgently need some help, if at
> possible.
> Brief background: I've been doing embedded control programming for
> years, but this is the first time I've ever used the Basic Stamp.
> consider myself fairly knowledgeable in microcontrollers, assembly
> language, etc., and have designed/built many device programmers
over the
> years as well. This is by way of being able to 'gauge' my
> for any reply -- in other words, I'm a complete novice on the Basic
> Stamp, but am very knowledgeable on embedded programming in general.
> I have a client who had a device built about 9 years ago using the
> The 'source' code is available (hopefully it is accurate, there are
> comments or documentation for it), but it was a project that was
> 'shelved' because it never worked quite right, and the original
> is long gone. The unit 'sort of' worked, in the sense that I
> the BS1 was doing what it was being told to do, but there are
> flaws that I've found in the code that are partially responsible
for the
> problems (the other problems having to do with hardware issues with
> device the BS1 is talking to).
> I have reviewed/understand the code (reasonably well), and have
> at the Basic Stamp design sufficiently to see how it is put
together. I
> needed to download/change the code, so I downloaded the 2.1 beta
> for doing the programming. This appears to be the only current
> of code that will work with the BS1 unit. By the way, I am using
> Pro for my development station.
> It appears that the only current way to program the BS1 is through
> serial port adapter. Even though the needed adapter is only $5, I
> afford the time (this is an emergency for my client), and so I
built one
> by hand using parts from Radio Shack (and, of course, the Radio
> transistors didn't match the pin-out on the package, but I
> Although the adapter did not work at first, once I got the right
> orientation for the transistors, the ver. 2.1 beta program was able
> 'see' the BS1 on my COM port.
> The problem came about when I tried to 'run' the program. The BS1
> would be found, it would indicate that it was sending the data to
> device, and then right at the end of transferring the data, it
> have an "access violation at 00403304 in Stampw_v2.1_Beta_1.exe"
> would not continue. The BS1 at this point no longer appears to run
> program (the original program has been 're-loaded', in theory, but
> not working). I tried to enable debug to see what is going on, but
> because I get the error message each time, there is obviously some
> problem (I assume with the beta program).
> So, here are my questions (in no particular order):
> 1. Has anyone experienced this particular error? Anyone know what
> causes it, or how to avoid it?
> 2. Is there another windows version of software that will work for
the BS1?
> 3. If not, must one use the DOS version of programming software to
> program the BS1?
> 4. If one must use a previous version of programming software, does
> need to revert to a parallel port programming cable? If so, is it
> a matter of a couple of wires to a connector, or is additional
> needed (as with the serial converter)?
> 5. If one must use the DOS version, how much of a 'DOS' environment
> necessary? Could a 'boot from floppy' version of Win98 or Win95
> work, or must it be something like DOS 6?
> 6. Any additional pointers that anyone can give? My goal is to
> make the 'relatively' minor modifications necessary and reload the
> program. It would be gravy to get something like the DEBUG command
to work.
> Thanks in advance to any/all who respond, any help is appreciated.
> David Erbas-White
should be 1.4 -- if the connector is incorrectly installed it will
report version 0.0 (obviously not correct).
I also use WinXP Pro and have had NO problems with the editor using the
BS1. But my machine has a lot of resources (1 gig of RAM) and that may
be helping me. Try shutting down any other application that could be
stealing resources from your machine and see if this improves the
Or .. you could punt back to the DOS software, but you'll need to boot
to DOS or use a DOS machine. Of course, the DOS software uses the
parallel port for programming.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: David Erbas-White [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=f90bM7rBH_WFyC2JruiONOKDYBvhMbIOhK4i_mejSnpVqmeE6Wkd-OfT3ARf6JJ0hyhVwFqLprdRYMJiIA]derbas@a...[/url
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:11 AM
To: Basic Stamps
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Urgent BS1 help needed from newbie
Hi! I've just joined the group, and urgently need some help, if at all
Brief background: I've been doing embedded control programming for 25+
years, but this is the first time I've ever used the Basic Stamp. I
consider myself fairly knowledgeable in microcontrollers, assembly
language, etc., and have designed/built many device programmers over the
years as well. This is by way of being able to 'gauge' my background
for any reply -- in other words, I'm a complete novice on the Basic
Stamp, but am very knowledgeable on embedded programming in general.
I have a client who had a device built about 9 years ago using the BS1.
The 'source' code is available (hopefully it is accurate, there are no
comments or documentation for it), but it was a project that was
'shelved' because it never worked quite right, and the original engineer
is long gone. The unit 'sort of' worked, in the sense that I believe
the BS1 was doing what it was being told to do, but there are several
flaws that I've found in the code that are partially responsible for the
problems (the other problems having to do with hardware issues with the
device the BS1 is talking to).
I have reviewed/understand the code (reasonably well), and have looked
at the Basic Stamp design sufficiently to see how it is put together. I
needed to download/change the code, so I downloaded the 2.1 beta program
for doing the programming. This appears to be the only current version
of code that will work with the BS1 unit. By the way, I am using WinXP
Pro for my development station.
It appears that the only current way to program the BS1 is through a
serial port adapter. Even though the needed adapter is only $5, I can't
afford the time (this is an emergency for my client), and so I built one
by hand using parts from Radio Shack (and, of course, the Radio Shack
transistors didn't match the pin-out on the package, but I digress).
Although the adapter did not work at first, once I got the right
orientation for the transistors, the ver. 2.1 beta program was able to
'see' the BS1 on my COM port.
The problem came about when I tried to 'run' the program. The BS1 unit
would be found, it would indicate that it was sending the data to the
device, and then right at the end of transferring the data, it would
have an "access violation at 00403304 in Stampw_v2.1_Beta_1.exe" and
would not continue. The BS1 at this point no longer appears to run any
program (the original program has been 're-loaded', in theory, but it's
not working). I tried to enable debug to see what is going on, but
because I get the error message each time, there is obviously some
problem (I assume with the beta program).
So, here are my questions (in no particular order):
1. Has anyone experienced this particular error? Anyone know what
causes it, or how to avoid it?
2. Is there another windows version of software that will work for the
BS1? 3. If not, must one use the DOS version of programming software to
program the BS1?
4. If one must use a previous version of programming software, does one
need to revert to a parallel port programming cable? If so, is it just
a matter of a couple of wires to a connector, or is additional circuitry
needed (as with the serial converter)?
5. If one must use the DOS version, how much of a 'DOS' environment is
necessary? Could a 'boot from floppy' version of Win98 or Win95 DOS
work, or must it be something like DOS 6?
6. Any additional pointers that anyone can give? My goal is to simply
make the 'relatively' minor modifications necessary and reload the
program. It would be gravy to get something like the DEBUG command to
Thanks in advance to any/all who respond, any help is appreciated.
David Erbas-White
I would highly recommend working in DOS off the parallel port.
Fewer things to go wrong. Works fine from a Windows 95 DOS
environment. A simple text file, cables.txt, describes what you
need. It's also shown in the newer manuals etc. The relevant
portion follows:
BASIC Stamp I (PC parallel port):
Parallel Stamp D Pin Stamp D BS1-IC Pin BS1-IC Notes
25 1 GND 2 GND/Vss <<< on Stamp
11 2 BUSY 3 PCO
2 3 DATA 4 PCI
Last I looked, the DOS editor is still available for download from
Thanks to all who replied.
I ended up trying a different WinXP system (a relatively 'new'
installation), and the 2.1 Beta program appeared to work okay, except
that I got the same error as on the other machine at two different
(random) times. It's not repeatable on this machine, and it appears to
be working well enough to get me through. For future use, I'll make a
parallel port cable (yes, I do have a real parallel port), and will try
the DOS stuff at some point (but I'd really like to find out what is
happening to cause the error in the Windows beta version).
As a side note, it turns out that what purported to be the original code
in the BS1 was (not possibly) correct, since it reflected different pin
numbers doing different types of toggling, but at least it gave me a
'feel' for what the intent was. I'm in the process of attempting to
solidfy the code now, adding the necessary error checking needed for
'real' operation (the original design, for example, would give incorrect
outputs when the outside device was not connected).
This type of group feedback is very helpful, and is greatly
appreciated. I don't know how much I'll be using the Basic Stamp after
this project, but I'll certainly try and contribute if I keep using it.
David Erbas-White
I have been doing other DOS work to parallel ports. Windows 2000 does not
give you timely access to a parallel port. 95 does well (I have run my
software from a DOS window in 95), and I think 98 (I don't remember, but
think so). But 2000, the commands do NOT go through directly. There is a
variable length of time delay, before sending the commands out the parallel
port. It appears that the commands are collected for a while, and then go
through as a burst of commands. Not good.
Original Message
From: S Parkis [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=JvMoefDistuj78KnCv-Xo74tKaeLrb7Tqhdm7iS8sn9yz19XPAEJ3vkJPJBCpLWt6hNUlYudn_RNYv74QA]parkiss@e...[/url
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 1:01 PM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Urgent BS1 help needed from newbie
I would highly recommend working in DOS off the parallel port.
Fewer things to go wrong. Works fine from a Windows 95 DOS
environment. A simple text file, cables.txt, describes what you
need. It's also shown in the newer manuals etc. The relevant
portion follows: