Accesss a mobile phone from a BS2 via RS232 cable
I connect a mobile phone to a RS232 cable (Nokia 6210 => DLR-3P) and
via the standard interface from BOE-BOT (DB-9) to BS2.
My plan is to dial a predefined number with ATD... commands.
The following code works very well from BS2 to my PC (Hyper Terminal)
and also from the PC => DLR-3P => NOKIA (no problem to dial ATD...)
Here are my different work arounds...
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
PAUSE 2000
'SEROUT 16,84,[noparse][[/noparse]"ATD", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1, 13]
'SEROUT 1,17341,[noparse][[/noparse]"atd", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1]
'SEROUT 1,16468,[noparse][[/noparse]"atd", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1]
SEROUT 16,84,100,[noparse][[/noparse]"atdt161,,,,,,", 13]
'SEROUT 16,84,500,[noparse][[/noparse]"A", "T", "D", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1, CR]
'SEROUT 16,16468,300,[noparse][[/noparse]"A", "T", "D", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1, CR]
.. and a lot of other combinations.
I get no reaction on the phone side by runnig this program on BS2
Are there any solutions for that problem?
Thanks very much for your help
regards Heinz
I connect a mobile phone to a RS232 cable (Nokia 6210 => DLR-3P) and
via the standard interface from BOE-BOT (DB-9) to BS2.
My plan is to dial a predefined number with ATD... commands.
The following code works very well from BS2 to my PC (Hyper Terminal)
and also from the PC => DLR-3P => NOKIA (no problem to dial ATD...)
Here are my different work arounds...
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
PAUSE 2000
'SEROUT 16,84,[noparse][[/noparse]"ATD", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1, 13]
'SEROUT 1,17341,[noparse][[/noparse]"atd", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1]
'SEROUT 1,16468,[noparse][[/noparse]"atd", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1]
SEROUT 16,84,100,[noparse][[/noparse]"atdt161,,,,,,", 13]
'SEROUT 16,84,500,[noparse][[/noparse]"A", "T", "D", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1, CR]
'SEROUT 16,16468,300,[noparse][[/noparse]"A", "T", "D", DEC 1, DEC 6, DEC 1, CR]
.. and a lot of other combinations.
I get no reaction on the phone side by runnig this program on BS2
Are there any solutions for that problem?
Thanks very much for your help
regards Heinz