eb500 I/O lines
I need to know what pins the eb500 connects to on the basic stamp.
Is it exactly the same as on the Spec's Pinout Diagram i.e.
Eb500 Basic stamp
RX pin 3 pin 3
TX pin 4 pin 4
RX Flow pin 5 pin 5
Also when the eb500 is being used what pins on the basic stamp is it using and
what pins are share for I/O lines?????
Thanks inadvance
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[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I need to know what pins the eb500 connects to on the basic stamp.
Is it exactly the same as on the Spec's Pinout Diagram i.e.
Eb500 Basic stamp
RX pin 3 pin 3
TX pin 4 pin 4
RX Flow pin 5 pin 5
Also when the eb500 is being used what pins on the basic stamp is it using and
what pins are share for I/O lines?????
Thanks inadvance
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[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The following are the connections presently made between the
EB500 and the stamp.
Eb500 Appmod header Basic stamp I/O pin
Vss pin 1&2 pin 1&2 VSS
RX pin 3 pin 3 I/O 1
TX pin 4 pin 4 I/O 0
RX Flow pin 5 pin 5 I/O 3
TX Flow pin 6 pin 6 I/O 2
Conn Stat pin 8 pin 8 I/O 4
Mode cont pin 9 pin 9 I/O 7
Vin pin 20 pin 20 VIN
All other pins can be considered as free for now. A7 has noted that
these other pins maybe used in the future.
Stephen Swanson
Technical Support Manager
Parallax, Inc.
599 Menlo Drive, #100
Rocklin, CA 95765
Phone (916) 624-8333
E-mail ..... sswanson@p...
Main site...... www.parallax.com
Educational site.... www.parallax.com/sic
Javelin Stamp... www.parallax.com/javelin
Original Message
From: Troy Matzkow [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=urYVd1uxXwTfEefyajmQFpM5-Q6EtD8d8UZxITThGGgtTBPUc5gk5pFXI5thVjzRABsmOvqQURZ1QQ]troy8oy@y...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:59 AM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] eb500 I/O lines
I need to know what pins the eb500 connects to on the basic stamp.
Is it exactly the same as on the Spec's Pinout Diagram i.e.
Eb500 Basic stamp
RX pin 3 pin 3
TX pin 4 pin 4
RX Flow pin 5 pin 5
Also when the eb500 is being used what pins on the basic stamp is it
using and what pins are share for I/O lines?????
Thanks inadvance
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