NEWBIE :please be nice
Hello all.. I am a newbie to stamps. I am and electronic technician.
and got an application in mind. COunting the closure of a
switch i guess the question i am asking is .. is ths bs1
capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999 ..rather large
number i know and also i need to store two of those big ones.. the
bs2 versions may be a better choice but i am also looking at cost..
i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want to
know if it is possible.. i beginning to read the manual so to speak.
and see a command called BUTTON My idead is to somehow store these
numbers and then maybe create some sort of infared receiver to
transmit these NUMBERS to a hanheld device... I presently work at a
job where i have to collect these numbers by hand a very time
consuming process.. from 78 machines.. each haveing two 6 to 7 digit
meters. ...Always searching for easer ways....cost per unit always
a factor if im going to sell the idea to the bosses...well wish me
luck in my little or maybe a big start in the world of stamps..MY
BIrthday coming up still trying to decide which to get. so i thought
this would be a good start...thanks for your time
and got an application in mind. COunting the closure of a
switch i guess the question i am asking is .. is ths bs1
capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999 ..rather large
number i know and also i need to store two of those big ones.. the
bs2 versions may be a better choice but i am also looking at cost..
i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want to
know if it is possible.. i beginning to read the manual so to speak.
and see a command called BUTTON My idead is to somehow store these
numbers and then maybe create some sort of infared receiver to
transmit these NUMBERS to a hanheld device... I presently work at a
job where i have to collect these numbers by hand a very time
consuming process.. from 78 machines.. each haveing two 6 to 7 digit
meters. ...Always searching for easer ways....cost per unit always
a factor if im going to sell the idea to the bosses...well wish me
luck in my little or maybe a big start in the world of stamps..MY
BIrthday coming up still trying to decide which to get. so i thought
this would be a good start...thanks for your time
> is ths bs1 capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999
> i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want
to know if it is possible..
The simple answer is YES, you can add up to extreemly large numbers.
The answer is pretty simple, so I'll keep quite and let you figure it
(ps: if you want a hint, let us know you DON'T want an ANSWER, just a
Board Of Education. This has enough horse-power
to do a proof of concept. The IR transmission
can be done with a pair of IR-Buddy units.
Once you've proven it can be done, then you
can try to fit your solution into a BS1. If
it won't fit, there are other ways of using
PIC processors in Basic, so your efforts won't
be wasted.
One way to save dollars would be to buy one of
the BS2 OEM kits, and built it yourself. There's
a special on right now.
For 78 machines, you might try an RS485 'party'
line approach. Be careful, though, that you
don't engineer yourself out of a job. ;-)
--- In, "wiltab94" <wiltab94@c...> wrote:
> Hello all.. I am a newbie to stamps. I am and electronic
> and got an application in mind. COunting the closure of a
> switch i guess the question i am asking is .. is ths bs1
> capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999 ..rather
> number i know and also i need to store two of those big ones.. the
> bs2 versions may be a better choice but i am also looking at cost..
> i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want
> know if it is possible.. i beginning to read the manual so to
> and see a command called BUTTON My idead is to somehow store these
> numbers and then maybe create some sort of infared receiver to
> transmit these NUMBERS to a hanheld device... I presently work at
> job where i have to collect these numbers by hand a very time
> consuming process.. from 78 machines.. each haveing two 6 to 7
> meters. ...Always searching for easer ways....cost per unit always
> a factor if im going to sell the idea to the bosses...well wish me
> luck in my little or maybe a big start in the world of stamps..MY
> BIrthday coming up still trying to decide which to get. so i
> this would be a good start...thanks for your time
cheating.. but .. hey thats what the internet for LOL
Original Message
From: "Dave Mucha" <davemucha@j...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 12:50 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: NEWBIE [noparse]:p[/noparse]lease be nice
> <snip>
> > is ths bs1 capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999
> > i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want
> to know if it is possible..
> The simple answer is YES, you can add up to extreemly large numbers.
> The answer is pretty simple, so I'll keep quite and let you figure it
> out.
> Dave
> (ps: if you want a hint, let us know you DON'T want an ANSWER, just a
> hint)
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
The largest number the Basic Stamp can store is 65535, one word
(%1111111111111, or $FFFF which is 65535).
Am I off base here?
> is ths bs1 capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999
> i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want
to know if it is possible..
The simple answer is YES, you can add up to extreemly large numbers.
The answer is pretty simple, so I'll keep quite and let you figure it
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The largest value that can be sotred in a Basic Stamp variable is one word,
or 16 bits...which comes out to......
65535 decimal
FFFF hexidecimal
1111111111111111 binary
????? yes/no
Sort of. The largest number one decimal digit can store is 9. Then
On 20 Apr 04 at 23:51, smartdim@a... wrote:
> Somebody please correct me if wrong....
> The largest number the Basic Stamp can store is 65535, one word
> (%1111111111111, or $FFFF which is 65535).
> Am I off base here?
> ken
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Thanks for the answer....i problally would like a hint....I KNOW
> cheating.. but .. hey thats what the internet for LOL
ummm.... a hint, without giving up the whole thing.
would the anology of an Abacus make sense ?
Think of each bar as a 16 bit word
each bead as a bit ?
or, was that too simple ?
Sort of. The largest number one decimal digit can store is 9. Then
On 20 Apr 04 at 23:51, smartdim@a... wrote:
> Somebody please correct me if wrong....
> The largest number the Basic Stamp can store is 65535, one word
> (%1111111111111, or $FFFF which is 65535).
> Am I off base here?
> ken
> ==============================
> > is ths bs1 capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999
> > i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want
> to know if it is possible..
> The simple answer is YES, you can add up to extreemly large numbers.
> The answer is pretty simple, so I'll keep quite and let you figure
> it out.
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the
> Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ken-
> Sort of. The largest number one decimal digit can store is 9.
> what?
> Steve
Interesting, but the largest single digit number YOU can use is 9
also. Seems my old IBM PC and my Pentium also has that same
And, no it is not that there are 1 types of people, those that use
binary and those who don't.
The question is answered on what you do when you add a 1 to that 9.
> You are of course correct. What I should have stated is.......
> The largest value that can be stored in a Basic Stamp variable is
one word,
> or 16 bits...which comes out to......
> 65535 decimal
> FFFF hexidecimal
> 1111111111111111 binary
> ????? yes/no
> ken
You are correct that the largest number you can store in ONE word is
but, even though a transistor can only store a 1 or a 0, we do not
limit the maximum number a computer can use as 1.
Remember, the orgional poster is adding by 1 for some count of people
or products. This is not for floating point math or even simple
arithimic. Just incrementing a count by 1.
I'd be interested to know how long it would take if one were to look
at one pin, and monitor a square wave, just how long it would take
for the Stamp to add up to a Googleplex ?
I think it would take less than 30 WORDS to count to a Googleplex.
I think we have gone way past a hint on this topic.
> ========================
> Sort of. The largest number one decimal digit can store is 9.
> what?
> Steve
> On 20 Apr 04 at 23:51, smartdim@a... wrote:
> > Somebody please correct me if wrong....
> >
> >
> > The largest number the Basic Stamp can store is 65535, one word
> > (%1111111111111, or $FFFF which is 65535).
> >
> > Am I off base here?
> >
> > ken
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
count up to 50000 and increment the variable by 1, etc. When you get the
data out, the count * the variable is the count. This is just one way to
increase the ability of an 8 bit processor to count higher than it's
inherent capabilities. If you are dumping the count to a pc, it can do the
multiplication for you in the readout routine. A reset on the stamp starts
everything over again.
Original Message
From: smartdim@a... [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]smartdim@a...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: NEWBIE [noparse]:p[/noparse]lease be nice
Somebody please correct me if wrong....
The largest number the Basic Stamp can store is 65535, one word
(%1111111111111, or $FFFF which is 65535).
Am I off base here?
> is ths bs1 capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999
> i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want
to know if it is possible..
The simple answer is YES, you can add up to extreemly large numbers.
The answer is pretty simple, so I'll keep quite and let you figure it
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
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Yahoo! Groups Links
BS2 is the 'WORD', which is 16 bits. However,
you can have 16 of these things, so if you use
two of them, you can get
LowWord and HighWord together are a 'long',
(32-bit) value.
For a 'counter':
LowWord = LowWord + 1
IF LowWord = 0 THEN IncHighWord
' It would be 0, because it just rolled over
' from 65535 to 0.
GOTO NextCount
HighWord = HighWord + 1
GOTO NextCount
--- In, smartdim@a... wrote:
> Somebody please correct me if wrong....
> The largest number the Basic Stamp can store is 65535, one word
> (%1111111111111, or $FFFF which is 65535).
> Am I off base here?
> ken
> ==============================
> > is ths bs1 capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999
> > i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want
> to know if it is possible..
> The simple answer is YES, you can add up to extreemly large numbers.
> The answer is pretty simple, so I'll keep quite and let you figure
> out.
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
You can also use the highest bit as an implicit "carry" bit ; add to the
variable any amount, and if the highest bit is set (you can test this , I
belive, by testing whether var&f000 = f000) ; then add that bit to the
second variable.
something like (my syntax is probably bad):
var0 = var0 + var0increment` or whatever you're adding
var1 = var1 + (var0&f000)>>15 ` shift the high bit downwards & add
var0 = var0 & (ffff - f000) ` clear carry bit - this could be 0fff
` at this point the 31-bit number should be var0*32768+var1
One advantage to doing it this way is you can actually add numbers that
are greater than 5000 ; making one small change to the above:
var1 = var1 + var1increment + (var0&f000)>>15
Then if you wanted to add, say, 100000 to the number, you could make
The total is 3*32768+1696, or 100,000.
On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Jim Forkin wrote:
> hint; Count up to 50000 and set a variable to one. reset the counter and
> count up to 50000 and increment the variable by 1, etc. When you get the
> data out, the count * the variable is the count. This is just one way to
> increase the ability of an 8 bit processor to count higher than it's
> inherent capabilities. If you are dumping the count to a pc, it can do the
> multiplication for you in the readout routine. A reset on the stamp starts
> everything over again.
> jim
Original Message
> From: smartdim@a... [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]smartdim@a...[/url
> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: NEWBIE [noparse]:p[/noparse]lease be nice
> Somebody please correct me if wrong....
> The largest number the Basic Stamp can store is 65535, one word
> (%1111111111111, or $FFFF which is 65535).
> Am I off base here?
> ken
> ==============================
> > is ths bs1 capable of counting and storing a number 1 to 999,999
> > i dont want to know how....(THAT WOULD SPOOL THE FUN) i just want
> to know if it is possible..
> The simple answer is YES, you can add up to extreemly large numbers.
> The answer is pretty simple, so I'll keep quite and let you figure it
> out.
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
> Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
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Sean T. Lamont, CTO / Chief NetNerd, Abstract Software, Inc. (ServNet)
Seattle - Bellingham - Vancouver - Portland - Everett - Tacoma - Bremerton
email: lamont@a... WWW:
"Do not fear mistakes, There Are None" - Miles Davis