Power Up OEM BS2
"www.parallax.com" Stated:
Powering up your OEM BS2. There are two mutually exclusive ways in
which you can power your OEMBS2:
You may apply 6-24 Vdc to the Vin pin (and ground to the Vss pin)
You may apply 5 Vdc to the Vdd pin (and ground to the Vss pin)
My Question once the OEM BS2 is programmed I can remove the serial
cable and add 9.6Vdc in Vin pin will it stil run smoothly?
"www.parallax.com" Stated:
Powering up your OEM BS2. There are two mutually exclusive ways in
which you can power your OEMBS2:
You may apply 6-24 Vdc to the Vin pin (and ground to the Vss pin)
You may apply 5 Vdc to the Vdd pin (and ground to the Vss pin)
My Question once the OEM BS2 is programmed I can remove the serial
cable and add 9.6Vdc in Vin pin will it stil run smoothly?
That is correct, just apply your 9.6 VDC to Vin and
then you can program it and once programmed, remove
the programming cable and away you go. Be sure to
apply the power while programming, also.
Have a great day!!
James E. Merritt
--- blue96813 <blue96813@y...> wrote:
> http://www.parallax.com/images/prod_jpg/27290.jpg
> "www.parallax.com" Stated:
> Powering up your OEM BS2. There are two mutually
> exclusive ways in
> which you can power your OEMBS2:
> You may apply 6-24 Vdc to the Vin pin (and ground to
> the Vss pin)
> You may apply 5 Vdc to the Vdd pin (and ground to
> the Vss pin)
> My Question once the OEM BS2 is programmed I can
> remove the serial
> cable and add 9.6Vdc in Vin pin will it stil run
> smoothly?
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You may need an additional capacitor across VIN
to insure the electrical noise from the wheel motors
don't get in to the chip.
Otherwise, yes, just connect to VIN and go. If the
motors are a problem, you may see the BS2 resetting
itself often. This is solvable with a few more
capacitors, or even a separate battery for the BS2
-- which would be a pain, so try it first to see
what happens.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "blue96813" <blue96813@y...>
> http://www.parallax.com/images/prod_jpg/27290.jpg
> "www.parallax.com" Stated:
> Powering up your OEM BS2. There are two mutually exclusive ways in
> which you can power your OEMBS2:
> You may apply 6-24 Vdc to the Vin pin (and ground to the Vss pin)
> You may apply 5 Vdc to the Vdd pin (and ground to the Vss pin)
> My Question once the OEM BS2 is programmed I can remove the serial
> cable and add 9.6Vdc in Vin pin will it stil run smoothly?