I''m a newbie Help me PLEASE
At 07:30 PM 4/16/04 +0000, you wrote:
>I have this school project
>I have no idea what's the basic stuff that I need to put together,
>If anyone can make my life easier by saving me time
>This my design requirements:
>Make a device that controls a wifi chip that gets data form a sensor
>view it on LCD , with ON/OFF buttons , LEDs. Has to be attached to a
>person's hand , so its has to be small.
>I think I need a microcontroller to interface to buttons/ LCD, WiFi
>Chip, serial port
>1) 3 buttons
>2) 2 LEDs
>3)LCD screen
>4) serial port
>(also need to have Low power consumption)
>thanks in advance
I certainly don't mean to be a sore thumb, but have you
been skipping class?
This seems like a rather significant project to have in
order with the basis that you "have no idea what's the basic stuff"
is and a large portion of the school year being over with.
First I would focus on the basics:
- Interfacing with buttons
- controlling LED's
Second I would experiment with the serial port via RS232
Third, Assuming everything works so far I would try to talk to
the LCD screen.
Last but not least I would study the 'wifi' device datasheet and
attempt to come up with a few subroutines that I can use.
Same goes for any other type of sensor. Understand what
kind of signal the sensor is capable of providing and
how it can be manipulated.
As far as your other points of interest, such as size, current, etc.
These seem to be the least of your concerns. I would definitely
focus on functionality first. Then you can take a step back and
try to focus on the pretty stuff.
Beau Schwabe Mask Designer National Semiconductor Corporation
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Home: polygon_man@h... Mail Stop GA1
Work: bschwabe@a... Norcross, GA 30071
>I have this school project
>I have no idea what's the basic stuff that I need to put together,
>If anyone can make my life easier by saving me time
>This my design requirements:
>Make a device that controls a wifi chip that gets data form a sensor
>view it on LCD , with ON/OFF buttons , LEDs. Has to be attached to a
>person's hand , so its has to be small.
>I think I need a microcontroller to interface to buttons/ LCD, WiFi
>Chip, serial port
>1) 3 buttons
>2) 2 LEDs
>3)LCD screen
>4) serial port
>(also need to have Low power consumption)
>thanks in advance
I certainly don't mean to be a sore thumb, but have you
been skipping class?
This seems like a rather significant project to have in
order with the basis that you "have no idea what's the basic stuff"
is and a large portion of the school year being over with.
First I would focus on the basics:
- Interfacing with buttons
- controlling LED's
Second I would experiment with the serial port via RS232
Third, Assuming everything works so far I would try to talk to
the LCD screen.
Last but not least I would study the 'wifi' device datasheet and
attempt to come up with a few subroutines that I can use.
Same goes for any other type of sensor. Understand what
kind of signal the sensor is capable of providing and
how it can be manipulated.
As far as your other points of interest, such as size, current, etc.
These seem to be the least of your concerns. I would definitely
focus on functionality first. Then you can take a step back and
try to focus on the pretty stuff.
Beau Schwabe Mask Designer National Semiconductor Corporation
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Home: polygon_man@h... Mail Stop GA1
Work: bschwabe@a... Norcross, GA 30071