PBasic Programming
Hi I'm new. Is program hard? I download the "Basic Stamp Programming
Manual" off Parallax main site. I kinda understand it. I dont have
the Stamp Chip. I just want to make sure if I understand it before I
buy it.
Here project plan.
I want to add different type of sensor through "P0-P15".
For example I use a metal detector, once it trigger logic 1 than go
to one of the "P0-P15 pins".
Than output to the transitter in the PIC board to transfer the data
through the receiver and to another microcontroller
called "MC68HC12" which it will display in the LCD metal detected.
Please download this MS Document its a block diagram so its easier
to understand what I'm trying to make.
Thank you.
Manual" off Parallax main site. I kinda understand it. I dont have
the Stamp Chip. I just want to make sure if I understand it before I
buy it.
Here project plan.
I want to add different type of sensor through "P0-P15".
For example I use a metal detector, once it trigger logic 1 than go
to one of the "P0-P15 pins".
Than output to the transitter in the PIC board to transfer the data
through the receiver and to another microcontroller
called "MC68HC12" which it will display in the LCD metal detected.
Please download this MS Document its a block diagram so its easier
to understand what I'm trying to make.
Thank you.
to a Stamp. But, if it is only being using to control the LCD, I
wouldn't bother with it.
A Stamp can easily handle the sensors and the LCD by itself.
I have been amazed how much software I have been able to cram into my
The Stamp has been easy for me to program, but I am a computer
science guy.
I had lots of unanswered questions when I bought my Stamp. Some
things you just have to learn by doing.
Best wishes,
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "blue96813" <blue96813@y...>
> Hi I'm new. Is program hard? I download the "Basic Stamp
> Manual" off Parallax main site. I kinda understand it. I dont have
> the Stamp Chip. I just want to make sure if I understand it before
> buy it.
> Here project plan.
> I want to add different type of sensor through "P0-P15".
> For example I use a metal detector, once it trigger logic 1 than go
> to one of the "P0-P15 pins".
> Than output to the transitter in the PIC board to transfer the data
> through the receiver and to another microcontroller
> called "MC68HC12" which it will display in the LCD metal detected.
> Please download this MS Document its a block diagram so its easier
> to understand what I'm trying to make.
> http://www.freehomepages.com/blue96813/BlockDiagram.doc
> Thank you.
-- on both ends. If you stick with the HC11 on the reciever end, you'll
need to make sure you have a protocol agreement between the two ends.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: blue96813 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=g33TDCXk2OrOPvU_IinhBvYcySrmALFt9BN-HVWVZkqOp6nGPHK1vhMCAkFGTJOTzuaN9MnxowqjHw]blue96813@y...[/url
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 12:25 AM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] PBasic Programming
Hi I'm new. Is program hard? I download the "Basic Stamp Programming
Manual" off Parallax main site. I kinda understand it. I dont have
the Stamp Chip. I just want to make sure if I understand it before I
buy it.
Here project plan.
I want to add different type of sensor through "P0-P15".
For example I use a metal detector, once it trigger logic 1 than go
to one of the "P0-P15 pins".
Than output to the transitter in the PIC board to transfer the data
through the receiver and to another microcontroller
called "MC68HC12" which it will display in the LCD metal detected.
Please download this MS Document its a block diagram so its easier
to understand what I'm trying to make.
Thank you.
Programming Stamps is easy. Go ahead and buy one, and start experimenting. 2
years ago I had zero experience with microcontrollers and digital
electronics, and now I have built all sorts of cool projects. Go for it!
Everyone here will help you out.
Original Message
From: "blue96813" <blue96813@y...>
To: <basicstamps@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 10:24 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] PBasic Programming
> Hi I'm new. Is program hard? I download the "Basic Stamp Programming
> Manual" off Parallax main site. I kinda understand it. I dont have
> the Stamp Chip. I just want to make sure if I understand it before I
> buy it.
> Here project plan.
> I want to add different type of sensor through "P0-P15".
> For example I use a metal detector, once it trigger logic 1 than go
> to one of the "P0-P15 pins".
> Than output to the transitter in the PIC board to transfer the data
> through the receiver and to another microcontroller
> called "MC68HC12" which it will display in the LCD metal detected.
> Please download this MS Document its a block diagram so its easier
> to understand what I'm trying to make.
> http://www.freehomepages.com/blue96813/BlockDiagram.doc
> Thank you.
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