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Highnib - lownib problem — Parallax Forums

Highnib - lownib problem

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2004-04-14 16:58 in General Discussion
Hello Stampers,

It's been a while.......

My problem:

I define variables:

reg var byte(10) 'define a 10 byte array called reg
red var nib 'define a 4 bit variable
green var nib 'define anothet 4 bit variable

I want to fill the first byte of the array so that the four MSB's contains
"red" and the four LSB's contains "green"

reg(0).highnib = red
reg(0).lownib = green

After tokenizing I get an error on the reg(0).highnib line

expected "=" instead of the "."

Sombody knows the problem....?


Michel De Meester

Met vriendelijke groetjes,

> ************************************************
> Michel De Meester
> Biotechnisch Onderhoud
> Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
> Wilrijkstraat 10
> 2650 Edegem - B
> tel: ++32 (0)3 821 36 47
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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-04-14 13:00
    At 12:46 PM 4/14/04 +0200, De Meester, Michel wrote:
    >Hello Stampers,
    >It's been a while.......
    >My problem:
    >I define variables:
    >reg var byte(10) 'define a 10 byte array called reg
    >red var nib 'define a 4 bit variable
    >green var nib 'define anothet 4 bit variable
    >I want to fill the first byte of the array so that the four MSB's contains
    >"red" and the four LSB's contains "green"
    >reg(0).highnib = red
    >reg(0).lownib = green
    >After tokenizing I get an error on the reg(0).highnib line
    >expected "=" instead of the "."
    >Sombody knows the problem....?

    Try this:

    reg.HIGHNIB(0) = red
    reg.LOWNIB(0) = green

    >Michel De Meester
    >Met vriendelijke groetjes,
    >> ************************************************
    >> Michel De Meester
    >> Biotechnisch Onderhoud
    >> Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
    >> Wilrijkstraat 10
    >> 2650 Edegem - B
    >> tel: ++32 (0)3 821 36 47
    >> e-mail:
    >> *************************************************
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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-04-14 13:51
    Hello Bruce,

    reg(0).highnib = red
    reg(0).lownib = green

    > Try this:
    > reg.HIGHNIB(0) = red
    > reg.LOWNIB(0) = green

    Indead, I overlooked this in the manual.

    After reading page 54 and 55 I think it should be:

    reg.HIGHNIB(0) = red
    reg.LOWNIB(1) = green

    because the variable is addressed as nibble.

    So, if I want to fill the 10 byte array with nibbles I need to use
    indexes from 0 to 19 (assuming all the "color" variables are nibbles)

    reg.HIGHNIB(0) = red
    reg.LOWNIB(1) = green

    reg.HIGHNIB(2) = purple
    reg.LOWNIB(3) = orange


    reg.HIGHNIB(18) = any color
    reg.LOWNIB(19) = any color

    Am I right?


    Michel De Meester
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-04-14 14:24
    Yes, the compiler does allow dot modifiers after array elements. In
    your case you could do this:

    reg(0) = (red << 4) + green

    -- Jon Williams
    -- Applications Engineer, Parallax
    -- Dallas Office

    Original Message
    From: De Meester, Michel [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]Michel.De.Meester@u...[/url
    Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 5:47 AM
    To: ''
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Highnib - lownib problem

    Hello Stampers,

    It's been a while.......

    My problem:

    I define variables:

    reg var byte(10) 'define a 10 byte array called reg
    red var nib 'define a 4 bit variable
    green var nib 'define anothet 4 bit variable

    I want to fill the first byte of the array so that the four MSB's
    contains "red" and the four LSB's contains "green"

    reg(0).highnib = red
    reg(0).lownib = green

    After tokenizing I get an error on the reg(0).highnib line

    expected "=" instead of the "."

    Sombody knows the problem....?


    Michel De Meester
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-04-14 16:58
    If you do this as you suggest:
    >reg.HIGHNIB(0) = red
    >reg.LOWNIB(1) = green

    both of those address the same nib. The first one is an offset zero
    from HIGHNIB, which is the same as HIGHNIB. The second one is an
    offset one above LOWNIB, which too is HIGHNIB.

    If you want to address this as an array of nibbles, use either the
    one Bruce suggested:
    reg.LOWNIB(0) = green ' offset zero from LOWNIB
    reg.HIGHNIB(0) = red ' offset zero from HIGHNIB
    or this alternative:
    reg.LOWNIB(0) = red ' offset zero from LOWNIB
    reg.LOWNIB(1) = green ' offset one from LOWNIB

    for all of them:
    FOR idx=0 to 18 STEP 2
    reg.LOWNIB(idx) = red ' offset idx from LOWNIB
    reg.HIGHNIB(idx) = green ' offset idx from HIGHNIB

    -- Tracy

    >Hello Bruce,
    >reg(0).highnib = red
    >reg(0).lownib = green
    >> Try this:
    >> reg.HIGHNIB(0) = red
    >> reg.LOWNIB(0) = green
    >Indead, I overlooked this in the manual.
    >After reading page 54 and 55 I think it should be:
    >reg.HIGHNIB(0) = red
    >reg.LOWNIB(1) = green
    >because the variable is addressed as nibble.
    >So, if I want to fill the 10 byte array with nibbles I need to use
    >indexes from 0 to 19 (assuming all the "color" variables are nibbles)
    >reg.HIGHNIB(0) = red
    >reg.LOWNIB(1) = green
    >reg.HIGHNIB(2) = purple
    >reg.LOWNIB(3) = orange
    >reg.HIGHNIB(18) = any color
    >reg.LOWNIB(19) = any color
    >Am I right?
    >Michel De Meester
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