Active high or low?
I have a decent understanding of how active-high and active-low
switches work. But, why would I choose one way over the other? I
thought I saw an explanation in "What's a Microcontroller?", but I
can't seem to find that part again.
Thanks for any help.
switches work. But, why would I choose one way over the other? I
thought I saw an explanation in "What's a Microcontroller?", but I
can't seem to find that part again.
Thanks for any help.
Many engineers prefer active-low inputs because this puts a resistor
(the pull-up) between the button and the Vdd side of the circuit. If
there was a static discharge from the user to the pushbutton the
resistor would limit the current to the Vdd side.
For all I know this is a wive's tale ... but it works for me.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: dave_heathcb [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]dave_h425@h...[/url
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 4:23 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Active high or low?
I have a decent understanding of how active-high and active-low
switches work. But, why would I choose one way over the other? I
thought I saw an explanation in "What's a Microcontroller?", but I
can't seem to find that part again.
Thanks for any help.