RF Communications help
I am considering using RF as a means to communicate between two
stamps. I looked on the Parallex website and decided against using
there RF modules because of the cost and because none of them are
able to transmit at any great distance which is what I want to do
(i.e. A mile at least) I am a Ham Radio operator and so I have a 2
meter UHF rig I thought I could use instead, unfortunately this radio
is designed for voice communications data. However, there was a way
developed by ham operators to communicate data over these radios
called SSTV (Slow Scan Television) which uses sound. It is usually
used for sending pictures back and forth. The way that you do SSTV is
by hooking up the radio to the computer via audio cables. The audio
out line on your audio card is hooked into the radio's audio in jack
and a program on the computer uses this link to send information by
coding the desired picture into sound and then sending these sound
waves down the wire to the transmitter were it is picked up by the
radio at the receiving end who's audio out line is hooked up to the
computers audio in jack and is decoded back into the picture. Could I
use this method to send information from one stamp to another, and if
so how would you suggest I go about it?
Micah Hurd
I am considering using RF as a means to communicate between two
stamps. I looked on the Parallex website and decided against using
there RF modules because of the cost and because none of them are
able to transmit at any great distance which is what I want to do
(i.e. A mile at least) I am a Ham Radio operator and so I have a 2
meter UHF rig I thought I could use instead, unfortunately this radio
is designed for voice communications data. However, there was a way
developed by ham operators to communicate data over these radios
called SSTV (Slow Scan Television) which uses sound. It is usually
used for sending pictures back and forth. The way that you do SSTV is
by hooking up the radio to the computer via audio cables. The audio
out line on your audio card is hooked into the radio's audio in jack
and a program on the computer uses this link to send information by
coding the desired picture into sound and then sending these sound
waves down the wire to the transmitter were it is picked up by the
radio at the receiving end who's audio out line is hooked up to the
computers audio in jack and is decoded back into the picture. Could I
use this method to send information from one stamp to another, and if
so how would you suggest I go about it?
Micah Hurd