Multiple Stamps Board
There was a guy that offered a printed circuit board
for connecting a bunch of Basic Stamp 1's together.
You just plugged in the stamps to the card and they
were all connected.
Where is this web site?
for connecting a bunch of Basic Stamp 1's together.
You just plugged in the stamps to the card and they
were all connected.
Where is this web site?
>There was a guy that offered a printed circuit board
>for connecting a bunch of Basic Stamp 1's together.
>You just plugged in the stamps to the card and they
>were all connected.
>Where is this web site?
Mike -
I doubt this is what you're looking for, but I did find this which will link up
to 32 Basic Stamps via an RS-485 network:
I suspect the link you're looking for goes back about 4-5 years ago. I've not
seen any references to it since that time. I seem to remember (but don't quote
me!) that the URL might have contained or in it.
I realize that's not much help, but I lost that link some years back when I lost
all my "Favorites" in a hard disk crash.
Bruce Bates
> for connecting a bunch of Basic Stamp 1's together.
> You just plugged in the stamps to the card and they
> were all connected.
> Where is this web site?
Do you mean the RoboBricks?
URL: <>
George Warner,
Schizophrenic Optimization Scientists
Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
That's a new board from a different company
but not the one that actually held the basic
stamps. I think you're right about the old link to a web site. Same here,
I had the link in my computer favorites but now the computer is gone.
Apparently the web page was up around 2 years ago but I could
find no information after that.
The man did his own design and had some printed circuit boards
etched up, and he was selling them on a limited basis. Maybe
his original application was for a robot. Whatever his original purpose,
that board was really cool, expecially to see ten or more
Basic Stamp 1 computers plugged into it.
With the advent of Parallax's new Basic Stamp 1 and new
ability to program all Basic Stamp 1's with Windows
instead of DOS, we will see great renewal and interest
in these kinds of products.
--- In, Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:
> At 08:37 AM 4/8/04 +0000, Mike wrote:
> >There was a guy that offered a printed circuit board
> >for connecting a bunch of Basic Stamp 1's together.
> >You just plugged in the stamps to the card and they
> >were all connected.
> >
> >Where is this web site?
> >Thanks.
> >
> >-Mike
> Mike -
> I doubt this is what you're looking for, but I did find this which will link
up to
32 Basic Stamps via an RS-485 network:
> I suspect the link you're looking for goes back about 4-5 years ago. I've not
seen any references to it since that time. I seem to remember (but don't quote
me!) that the URL might have contained or in it.
> I realize that's not much help, but I lost that link some years back when I
all my "Favorites" in a hard disk crash.
> Regards,
> Bruce Bates
>Thank you Bruce.
>That's a new board from a different company
>but not the one that actually held the basic
>stamps. I think you're right about the old link to a web site. Same here,
>I had the link in my computer favorites but now the computer is gone.
>Apparently the web page was up around 2 years ago but I could
>find no information after that.
>The man did his own design and had some printed circuit boards
>etched up, and he was selling them on a limited basis. Maybe
>his original application was for a robot. Whatever his original purpose,
>that board was really cool, expecially to see ten or more
>Basic Stamp 1 computers plugged into it.
>With the advent of Parallax's new Basic Stamp 1 and new
>ability to program all Basic Stamp 1's with Windows
>instead of DOS, we will see great renewal and interest
>in these kinds of products.
Mike -
Again I'm doing this from memory which may fail me a bit, but the really neat
thing about that BS-1 Stamp Network System was that I believe it had a
common/shared memory feature and permitted either 8 or 16 Stamps to operate in
the network. There is always a concern with Stamps in general, and with the BS-1
particularly, of running out of port pins. Having one or two pins controlling a
shared/common memory array permits a good deal of information to become
available in the system or network at a relatively minimal pin port cost.
Not that it's terribly helpful, but I believe the fellow offering them had an
Oriental sounding last name. If I find anything more, or remember anything else,
I'll contact you offlist, if that's okay.
Bruce Bates
There are still boards available which can handle 2 BS2, or BS2sx
or most of the other 24-pin controllers. They are the ones described
on the Parallax site 'user's application stories'
section, "Wastewater Treatment". They have built in relays, terminal
blocks, power supply, etc.
Drop me a note directly by email if you're interested and I'll see
if I can dig up some more details.
Tom Sisk
--- In, "Mike" <mikegotis@y...> wrote:
> There was a guy that offered a printed circuit board
> for connecting a bunch of Basic Stamp 1's together.
> You just plugged in the stamps to the card and they
> were all connected.
> Where is this web site?
> Thanks.
> -Mike