Using a range finder
I'm thinking about building a project using the Devantech SRF04
Ultrasonic Range Finder with the basic stamp. Is there anything I
should know before I buy? Do I need an I/O board?
Has anyone else used this with good success? I'm very interested in
measureing distance, and using that measurement over time to
estimate how quickly someone/something is approaching.
Any help is good. Thanks.
tom k
Ultrasonic Range Finder with the basic stamp. Is there anything I
should know before I buy? Do I need an I/O board?
Has anyone else used this with good success? I'm very interested in
measureing distance, and using that measurement over time to
estimate how quickly someone/something is approaching.
Any help is good. Thanks.
tom k
to solder 4 wires. This is the first time I ever soldered and mine
still worked great.
One thing. It has a small accuracy problem. Sound travels at
something like 73.6 ft/sec and the sample program uses a constant of
74. No big deal for most situations, and probably there is a way
around it. I thought I should mention it.
--- In, "hoop100" <hoop100@b...> wrote:
> I'm thinking about building a project using the Devantech SRF04
> Ultrasonic Range Finder with the basic stamp. Is there anything I
> should know before I buy? Do I need an I/O board?
> Has anyone else used this with good success? I'm very interested
> measureing distance, and using that measurement over time to
> estimate how quickly someone/something is approaching.
> Any help is good. Thanks.
> tom k
Speed of sound, 1116.32 feet/second at standard temperature (it didn't spec
temp in the tables, but usually 25C), per Figure 2.1 Properties of the
atmosphere at sea level, Missile Engineering Handbook, by C. W. Besserer, D.
Van Nostrand Company, Inc.
Original Message
From: purleygator [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]lrose@p...[/url
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 12:04 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Using a range finder
One thing. It has a small accuracy problem. Sound travels at
something like 73.6 ft/sec and the sample program uses a constant of
74. No big deal for most situations, and probably there is a way
around it. I thought I should mention it.
device. It does everything the specs advertise. However, I am planning to
upgrade to the SRF08 model.
The SRF08 has the I2C bus capability which I want. I recently got the
Davantech compass, and I'm using the I2C bus interface for the compass. The
I2C bus has some nice features that may or may not be useful to your
Original Message
From: "hoop100" <hoop100@b...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 8:41 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Using a range finder
> I'm thinking about building a project using the Devantech SRF04
> Ultrasonic Range Finder with the basic stamp. Is there anything I
> should know before I buy? Do I need an I/O board?
> Has anyone else used this with good success? I'm very interested in
> measureing distance, and using that measurement over time to
> estimate how quickly someone/something is approaching.
> Any help is good. Thanks.
> tom k
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