bs1 robot
I'm trying to build a robot that can lift at least 200 lbs. I can build a motor
controller but I don't know what kind of motor to use. If it is possible, I
would like to run it off of 2 car batteries. I'm going to use a bs1 and try to
set up a joystick on the robot and RC control along with a bump sensor on the
front so it will stop and not break anything. I want to use the robot to
transport heavy objects like bags of dirt or cement and me when I'm lazy around
the house and mostly small areas and distances. Does anybody have any
information or suggestions about the motors or project? Sorry for writing so
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controller but I don't know what kind of motor to use. If it is possible, I
would like to run it off of 2 car batteries. I'm going to use a bs1 and try to
set up a joystick on the robot and RC control along with a bump sensor on the
front so it will stop and not break anything. I want to use the robot to
transport heavy objects like bags of dirt or cement and me when I'm lazy around
the house and mostly small areas and distances. Does anybody have any
information or suggestions about the motors or project? Sorry for writing so
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> motor controller but I don't know what kind of motor to use. If it is
> possible, I would like to run it off of 2 car batteries. I'm going to use a
> bs1 and try to set up a joystick on the robot and RC control along with a
> bump sensor on the front so it will stop and not break anything. I want to
> use the robot to transport heavy objects like bags of dirt or cement and me
> when I'm lazy around the house and mostly small areas and distances. Does
> anybody have any information or suggestions about the motors or project?
> Sorry for writing so much.
Depending on what you're trying to lift you might start with a boat winch or
a motorized golf cart, etc. It's easier to take a working design and add
computer control than design everything (hardware, circuits & software) from
The easiest control could just be on/off plus direction using relays.
Slightly better speed control can be had by switching batteries from
parallel (slow but better torque) to in series (fast). (again using relays.)
Beyond that you can ether design and build your own H-bridge circuits or buy
the "off the shelf" circuits ($$$) and control them via PWM for better speed
George Warner,
Schizophrenic Optimization Scientists
Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
>I'm trying to build a robot that can lift at least 200 lbs. I can build a motor
controller but I don't know what kind of motor to use. If it is possible, I
would like to run it off of 2 car batteries. I'm going to use a bs1 and try to
set up a joystick on the robot and RC control along with a bump sensor on the
front so it will stop and not break anything. I want to use the robot to
transport heavy objects like bags of dirt or cement and me when I'm lazy around
the house and mostly small areas and distances. Does anybody have any
information or suggestions about the motors or project? Sorry for writing so
Kyle -
A friend of mine is using this battery powered garden cart (below) as a basis
for a platform to do just about what you are trying to accomplish. He tells me
that he was able to order one from Home Depot. Interesting that hit happens to
have exactly the capacity you're looking for. Here is the picture of it with
some of the details:
I hope that at least gives you some ideas to pursue.
Bruce Bates
Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:At 03:09 PM 4/6/04 -0700, Kyle Cooper
>I'm trying to build a robot that can lift at least 200 lbs. I can build a motor
controller but I don't know what kind of motor to use. If it is possible, I
would like to run it off of 2 car batteries. I'm going to use a bs1 and try to
set up a joystick on the robot and RC control along with a bump sensor on the
front so it will stop and not break anything. I want to use the robot to
transport heavy objects like bags of dirt or cement and me when I'm lazy around
the house and mostly small areas and distances. Does anybody have any
information or suggestions about the motors or project? Sorry for writing so
Kyle -
A friend of mine is using this battery powered garden cart (below) as a basis
for a platform to do just about what you are trying to accomplish. He tells me
that he was able to order one from Home Depot. Interesting that hit happens to
have exactly the capacity you're looking for. Here is the picture of it with
some of the details:
I hope that at least gives you some ideas to pursue.
Bruce Bates
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