translating code for the basicStamp to basicStamp II
Hi group,
I'v hooked up a 4051 multiplexer to my basicstamp II, and when I went to try
the example code from the nuts and volts column it was for a basicStamp I,
so it's not to different, but I can't seem to wrap by head around
let pins = pot_sel
and how it relates to
Let dirs = %0111
the rest of the sample program from the nuts and volts column to put the two
exerts into context is:
SYMBOL pot_sel = b2
SYMBOL pot_val = b3
Let dirs = %0111
for pot_sel = 0 to 7
let pins = pot_sel
pot 3, 150, pot_val
debug "pot #", #pot_pot_sel," ",#pot_val, cr
next pot_sel
pause 2000
debug cr
goto Again
Any where abouts where any info, or translation is available will be life
jeff alten
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I'v hooked up a 4051 multiplexer to my basicstamp II, and when I went to try
the example code from the nuts and volts column it was for a basicStamp I,
so it's not to different, but I can't seem to wrap by head around
let pins = pot_sel
and how it relates to
Let dirs = %0111
the rest of the sample program from the nuts and volts column to put the two
exerts into context is:
SYMBOL pot_sel = b2
SYMBOL pot_val = b3
Let dirs = %0111
for pot_sel = 0 to 7
let pins = pot_sel
pot 3, 150, pot_val
debug "pot #", #pot_pot_sel," ",#pot_val, cr
next pot_sel
pause 2000
debug cr
goto Again
Any where abouts where any info, or translation is available will be life
jeff alten
MSN Premium helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*\
updating, but I haven't seen it for a long time. What you might
consider doing is using our latest editor. You can go to the help
section and see if a BS1 keyword is available for the BS2.
In your program, for example, you have the POT keyword. If you look-up
POT in the help file, you'll see it only works on the BS1, but you'll be
linked to the RCTIME keyword which performs a similar function on the
BS2 family. Of course, you will have to declare your variables, set
your IO, and adjust the DEBUG output as well.
If you read section four of the manual (also in help now) it will
describe the architecture of the BS2 memory -- with that knowledge and
checking on keywords you should be able to adjust your code and circuit
so that you can use a BS2.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Jeff Alten [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]jeffalten@h...[/url
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 9:32 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] translating code for the basicStamp to basicStamp
Hi group,
I'v hooked up a 4051 multiplexer to my basicstamp II, and when I went to
the example code from the nuts and volts column it was for a basicStamp
so it's not to different, but I can't seem to wrap by head around
let pins = pot_sel
and how it relates to
Let dirs = %0111
the rest of the sample program from the nuts and volts column to put the
exerts into context is:
SYMBOL pot_sel = b2
SYMBOL pot_val = b3
Let dirs = %0111
for pot_sel = 0 to 7
let pins = pot_sel
pot 3, 150, pot_val
debug "pot #", #pot_pot_sel," ",#pot_val, cr
next pot_sel
pause 2000
debug cr
goto Again
Any where abouts where any info, or translation is available will be
jeff alten
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pot_val VAR OUT3 ' 'standard' variable 8-bits
pot_sel VAR NIB ' This sets 'pot_sel' as a NIBBLE 4bits
2. Convert other
' The 'output' setting (is the pin an input or output)
' is done with:
DIRSa = %0111 ' I think -- is 1 an output? Should be.
See the manual for what 'POT' has been replaced with.
The 'LET' is 'old' basic, and is usually optional.
You do need:
OUTa = pot_sel ' Sends pot_sel nibble out pins 0,1,2,3
> Hi group,
> I'v hooked up a 4051 multiplexer to my basicstamp II, and when I
went to try
> the example code from the nuts and volts column it was for a
basicStamp I,
> so it's not to different, but I can't seem to wrap by head around
> let pins = pot_sel
> and how it relates to
> Let dirs = %0111
> the rest of the sample program from the nuts and volts column to
put the two
> exerts into context is:
> SYMBOL pot_sel = b2
> SYMBOL pot_val = b3
> Let dirs = %0111
> Again:
> for pot_sel = 0 to 7
> let pins = pot_sel
> pot 3, 150, pot_val
> debug "pot #", #pot_pot_sel," ",#pot_val, cr
> next pot_sel
> pause 2000
> debug cr
> goto Again
> Any where abouts where any info, or translation is available will
be life
> altering.
> thanks,
> sincerely,
> jeff alten
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