I want to measure a speed of car...
I have 2 sensors! When the car cross the first sensor, i
a pulse! When the car cross cross the second sensor, i receive other
I want to measure the lenght between pulses...does someone
have some suggestion? and what is the best IR sensor should i use??
I have 2 sensors! When the car cross the first sensor, i
a pulse! When the car cross cross the second sensor, i receive other
I want to measure the lenght between pulses...does someone
have some suggestion? and what is the best IR sensor should i use??
How to do what you want depends on what you are doing. Is it a real car or a
model, and how fast is it going? What level of accuracy do you need? The
Stamp doesn't have a timer, but you can count program loops and get pretty
good accuarcy.
I made a velocity meter for my coilgun using a Stamp. I did it with one
sensor, and used the PULSIN command to see how long a pulse was made as the
projectile went through the gate. As the length of the projectile is known,
the speed can be calculated from the length of the pulse. Works quite well
for my application.
Give us some more details of your application, and maybe we can be of more
Original Message
From: "daen78" <daen78@y...>
To: <basicstamps@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 5:08 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] pulses
> I want to measure a speed of car...
> I have 2 sensors! When the car cross the first sensor, i
> receive
> a pulse! When the car cross cross the second sensor, i receive other
> pulse!
> I want to measure the lenght between pulses...does someone
> have some suggestion? and what is the best IR sensor should i use??
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