Basic stamp between keyboard and PC?
I remember reading in one of the various publications about using a Basic
Stamp with a PS2 keybaord. I can't find a reference to this in the
archives of the site, nor did a quick scan of the "Nuts & Volts of BASIC
Stamps Volume #1" or #2 turn up anything... (course, maybe I didn't look
closely enough! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Can anyone point me in the right direction for PS2 keyboard to BSII or
BSII to PS2 keyboard port on a PC?
I have a project in mind that could use a device to arbitrate the data
between a PS2 keybaord and a PC....
PS: Yes, I did see Al's neato little device (PAK-VIa Keyboard
Coprocessor) but I wanted to see if it could be done with just a BSII or
Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're
Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we
Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course, if the network | is up, then we obviously don't need
Austin Office 512 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" ©VLG
Stamp with a PS2 keybaord. I can't find a reference to this in the
archives of the site, nor did a quick scan of the "Nuts & Volts of BASIC
Stamps Volume #1" or #2 turn up anything... (course, maybe I didn't look
closely enough! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Can anyone point me in the right direction for PS2 keyboard to BSII or
BSII to PS2 keyboard port on a PC?
I have a project in mind that could use a device to arbitrate the data
between a PS2 keybaord and a PC....
PS: Yes, I did see Al's neato little device (PAK-VIa Keyboard
Coprocessor) but I wanted to see if it could be done with just a BSII or
Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're
Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we
Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course, if the network | is up, then we obviously don't need
Austin Office 512 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" ©VLG
skirt around needing a PAK for math and other functions. But in this case, I
don't think a Stamp is fast enough all by itself. The problem is that the
keyboard or mouse generates a clock and it is pretty fast. You have no way
to slow it down. I seem to remember someone had schematics for how to read
the keyboard with an external shift register and a few other components. But
that adds more components, doesn't buffer, and doesn't translate to ASCII.
So you have to service the thing constantly and still convert the keys to
ASCII (you realize the keyboard has no idea of, say, a capital A; a, A, and
Control+A are all the same key -- you have to track the shift states to
decide what was really pressed). The PAK-VIa does all of this for you. Plus
it manages the keyboard LEDs. You can buffer keystrokes, get ASCII
conversion, and all of that in one package.
Now, making a BS2 emulate a keyboard -- that's probably more doable although
I have to admit I haven't done it. The reason is that the PC should adjust
to your relatively slow clock rate. Even keyboards don't have a fixed rate,
so the fact that you are very slow shouldn't matter.
I won't swear it can't be done without hardware. But my opinion (as someone
who has done it) is that it probably isn't possible to do on a Stamp without
some kind of external hardware. I am certain it would not be possible if you
want to do any other processing at the same time.
Al Williams
*New kits
Original Message
From: Vernon Graner [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]vern@t...[/url
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:09 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Basic stamp between keyboard and PC?
I remember reading in one of the various publications about using a Basic
Stamp with a PS2 keybaord. I can't find a reference to this in the archives
of the site, nor did a quick scan of the "Nuts & Volts of BASIC Stamps
Volume #1" or #2 turn up anything... (course, maybe I didn't look closely
enough! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Can anyone point me in the right direction for PS2 keyboard to BSII or BSII
to PS2 keyboard port on a PC?
I have a project in mind that could use a device to arbitrate the data
between a PS2 keybaord and a PC....
PS: Yes, I did see Al's neato little device (PAK-VIa Keyboard
Coprocessor) but I wanted to see if it could be done with just a BSII or
Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're
Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we
Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course, if the network | is up, then we obviously don't need
Austin Office 512 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" CVLG
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around December (2003) that I had do drop because of other priorities,
but you are welcome to look at what I have to date. The code is assembly
but could probably be ported to the SX or some of the Newer BSII's.
The program below was the first "DEBUG" program I wrote to 'see' what the
PS/2 keyboard was doing in the PC world after studying the signal on
a scope first. It will convert a standard PS/2 style keyboard into RS232
at 19200 baud (<- this is necessary to transmit RS232 in between the PS/2
keyboard data bursts). ...worked right off the bat, and hasn't changed
The program below is work in progress (version 6)... has some problems
mostly related to timing of how the UNIX keyboard sends data, but no big
issues. The Key mapping between UNIX and PC is mostly complete, but
there are some holes here and there.
Hope this helps...
>I remember reading in one of the various publications about using a Basic
>Stamp with a PS2 keybaord. I can't find a reference to this in the
>archives of the site, nor did a quick scan of the "Nuts & Volts of BASIC
>Stamps Volume #1" or #2 turn up anything... (course, maybe I didn't look
>closely enough! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
>Can anyone point me in the right direction for PS2 keyboard to BSII or
>BSII to PS2 keyboard port on a PC?
>I have a project in mind that could use a device to arbitrate the data
>between a PS2 keybaord and a PC....
>PS: Yes, I did see Al's neato little device (PAK-VIa Keyboard
>Coprocessor) but I wanted to see if it could be done with just a BSII or
>Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're
>Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we
>Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course, if the network
> | is up, then we obviously don't need
>Austin Office 512 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" ©VLG
Beau Schwabe Mask Designer National Semiconductor Corporation
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
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