CAN bus and Basic Stamp
Has anyone ever thought of or been successful in implementing a BASIC
stamp with a CAN Bus?
I'm not too familiar with a CAN Bus, but I know that many new devices
use it (such as my car) and was wondering if I could tap into it using
a stamp.
Any ideas?
stamp with a CAN Bus?
I'm not too familiar with a CAN Bus, but I know that many new devices
use it (such as my car) and was wondering if I could tap into it using
a stamp.
Any ideas?
I know there are a few websites that tlak about the can bus, I would suggest
to do a search on google for it. I did some research about a year ago, when the
law was passed that all cars in the US have to some kind of tire pressure
monitor on board by such a year. I was surprised to find out what was on the
market already and how much the can bus was used not only by the automotive
field but many industries use it for PLC work.
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