basic stamp 2 and Maxi Dual motor contorller
I am new to basic stamp and I am not really sure how to connect
MAXI DUAL 2 motor controller to the stamp. I have tried to connect
the A1 and A2 pins on the motor controller to the basic stamp pins 14
and 15 and tried using PWM funtion as PWM 14,100,40 but nothign
happens. If someone know how to do the physical connections and to
use contorl MAXI contorller with basic stamp. Thanks
I am new to basic stamp and I am not really sure how to connect
MAXI DUAL 2 motor controller to the stamp. I have tried to connect
the A1 and A2 pins on the motor controller to the basic stamp pins 14
and 15 and tried using PWM funtion as PWM 14,100,40 but nothign
happens. If someone know how to do the physical connections and to
use contorl MAXI contorller with basic stamp. Thanks