How to connect this
Hi all:
I have been working recently on a BSII controlled "entertainment" style
Robot to be used at my son's school to try and generate interest in boy
scouting. I use a small robotic base (
that works well using a Mini SSC for the servos and a couple of Motor
Minds for controlling the differential steering. I created a little 2
minute "dog and pony" program that activates a series of moves to
compliment a pre-recorded audio track (also triggered by the stamp using
a hacked "yak-bak" unit). When it's kicked off, it moves and talks about
Boy Scouting and laments the fact that it cannot join since it is a robot
and not a boy. [noparse]:)[/noparse] I even put a scout cap on it sometimes. It's very
effective at drawing a crowd.
What I want to do is create a visual display that will "correspond" with
the various motions by lighting up some LEDs just to increase the
interest factor (maybe blink them in time with the audio track or with
the various servos motions etc.). I dug around in my junk box and
discovered a couple of LED display modules that look like they would be
fine for this project, but I do not have any pin out/hookup information.
I'm reasonable sure I bought these modules from Rat Shack about 8-10
years ago, and never got around to using them.
So, I figured one of you fine folks can tell me about this part and/or
tell me how to use a stamp to make it do "interesting" things (blink,
sequence etc.). I have some hi-res photos of the module, and descriptions
of the numbers on in here:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're
Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we
Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course, if the network | is up, then we obviously don't need
Austin Office 512 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" ©VLG
I have been working recently on a BSII controlled "entertainment" style
Robot to be used at my son's school to try and generate interest in boy
scouting. I use a small robotic base (
that works well using a Mini SSC for the servos and a couple of Motor
Minds for controlling the differential steering. I created a little 2
minute "dog and pony" program that activates a series of moves to
compliment a pre-recorded audio track (also triggered by the stamp using
a hacked "yak-bak" unit). When it's kicked off, it moves and talks about
Boy Scouting and laments the fact that it cannot join since it is a robot
and not a boy. [noparse]:)[/noparse] I even put a scout cap on it sometimes. It's very
effective at drawing a crowd.
What I want to do is create a visual display that will "correspond" with
the various motions by lighting up some LEDs just to increase the
interest factor (maybe blink them in time with the audio track or with
the various servos motions etc.). I dug around in my junk box and
discovered a couple of LED display modules that look like they would be
fine for this project, but I do not have any pin out/hookup information.
I'm reasonable sure I bought these modules from Rat Shack about 8-10
years ago, and never got around to using them.
So, I figured one of you fine folks can tell me about this part and/or
tell me how to use a stamp to make it do "interesting" things (blink,
sequence etc.). I have some hi-res photos of the module, and descriptions
of the numbers on in here:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're
Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we
Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course, if the network | is up, then we obviously don't need
Austin Office 512 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" ©VLG
>Hi all:
>I have been working recently on a BSII controlled "entertainment" style
>Robot to be used at my son's school to try and generate interest in boy
>scouting. I use a small robotic base (
>that works well using a Mini SSC for the servos and a couple of Motor
>Minds for controlling the differential steering. I created a little 2
>minute "dog and pony" program that activates a series of moves to
>compliment a pre-recorded audio track (also triggered by the stamp using
>a hacked "yak-bak" unit). When it's kicked off, it moves and talks about
>Boy Scouting and laments the fact that it cannot join since it is a robot
>and not a boy. [noparse]:)[/noparse] I even put a scout cap on it sometimes. It's very
>effective at drawing a crowd.
>What I want to do is create a visual display that will "correspond" with
>the various motions by lighting up some LEDs just to increase the
>interest factor (maybe blink them in time with the audio track or with
>the various servos motions etc.). I dug around in my junk box and
>discovered a couple of LED display modules that look like they would be
>fine for this project, but I do not have any pin out/hookup information.
>I'm reasonable sure I bought these modules from Rat Shack about 8-10
>years ago, and never got around to using them.
>So, I figured one of you fine folks can tell me about this part and/or
>tell me how to use a stamp to make it do "interesting" things (blink,
>sequence etc.). I have some hi-res photos of the module, and descriptions
>of the numbers on in here:
>Any help would be greatly appreciated. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Vern -
The giveaway on that module is the logo. The logo indicates it's a National
Semiconductor part. The NSM prefix also tends to confirm that, with NS =
National Semiconductor and the M indicating a module, as opposed to just a chip.
It should come as no surprise that this item is no longer available. However,
not to be outdone by obsolescence, there are three current IC offerings by
National Semiconductor which are similar in purpose, but which lack the display
unit shown at the top of your module.
Check for the following parts on the National Semiconductor web site
[noparse][[/noparse] ] LM3914, LM3915, and LM3916. Each is a variation on
the same theme of a bar/dot display driver. These may or may not give you some
insight as to how that obsolete module works.
In addition, or in place of that module, you might want to look at the following
Maxim IC MAX7219 which supports up to 8 7-segment LED display digits, or 64
individual LEDs and takes care of all the multiplexing for you. Here is a link
to the summary page: [noparse][[/noparse] ].
Bruce Bates