Tele-Alert program
hey there,
I am still doing the Tele -Alert system and i was going through the
program and i am not very familiar with Basic language. Inside the
project operating instruction, it mentions to go into the program and
just add in your number that you want to call but i cannot figure it
out where i am suppose to add the number? Is it under the undefined
%00000000 but i thought that was for the initiation of high and low's.
what alram cofiguration is this programmed to? just siren, lamp and
ledpin and tele?
I am still doing the Tele -Alert system and i was going through the
program and i am not very familiar with Basic language. Inside the
project operating instruction, it mentions to go into the program and
just add in your number that you want to call but i cannot figure it
out where i am suppose to add the number? Is it under the undefined
%00000000 but i thought that was for the initiation of high and low's.
what alram cofiguration is this programmed to? just siren, lamp and
ledpin and tele?
I did a search for this Tele-Alert system on the group here and came up with not
results. What is this Tele-Alert??? Sounds interesting and something that I may
want to use. Can some one direct me to where the code is and some description of
what it can do.
zuwenamalik <Zuwenamalik@y...> wrote:
hey there,
I am still doing the Tele -Alert system and i was going through the
program and i am not very familiar with Basic language. Inside the
project operating instruction, it mentions to go into the program and
just add in your number that you want to call but i cannot figure it
out where i am suppose to add the number? Is it under the undefined
%00000000 but i thought that was for the initiation of high and low's.
what alram cofiguration is this programmed to? just siren, lamp and
ledpin and tele?
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Thank you for responding to me....eventhough you are having a
difficult time finding what i am talking about. Tele_Alert is an
Alarm Reporting system that will notify you through your cell phone
when an alarm is activated in your home. You can find this project in
the Stamp 2 Communication and control Projects by Tom Petruzzellis.
Maybe you can help me with the Program, I am not sure if it is in
Basic or Assembly language and where in the program can i put in the
cell number? Also i am on the process of purchasing an Epic
Programer for my project to make the circiut easier but i dont know
if i will have to use a different program for that. Below is the
copy of the program:
flash Var byte
new_io_state Var byte
old_io_state Var byte
call_state Var byte
io Var byte
timer Var byte
i Var byte
j Var word
TXpin Con 10
LedPin Con 15
Lamp Con 13
Siren Con 12
Tele Con 9
MIC Con 8
recall_delay Con 120
C Con 3000 'C - 523
D Con 2000 'D - 587
E Con 1000 'E - 659
F Con 500 'F - 698
G Con 250 'G - 783
A Con 150 'A - 880
B Con 100 'B - 987
R Con 0
DIRL = %00000000
DIRH = %11111111
new_io_state = %00000000
old_io_state = %00000000
for flash = 1 to 3
high LedPin
pause 1500
low LedPin
pause 1500
high LedPin
pause 100
low LedPin
pause 100
if new_io_state <> %00000000 then dial_cell
old_io_state = new_io_state
goto main
old_io_state = new_io_state
for timer = 1 to recall_delay
high LEDPin
pause 500
low LedPin
pause 500
if new_io_state <> old_io_state then dial_cell
old_io_state = new_io_state
goto after_io1
if new_io_state = %00000000 then main
high LedPin
high Tele
high Lamp
high Siren
pause 500
dtmfout TXPin, 600, 600, [noparse][[/noparse]8]
dtmfout TXPin, 500, 100, [noparse][[/noparse]7,2,9,4,8,9,0]
sleep 10
gosub send_msg
goto delay_and_scan
io = new_io_state
if io.bit0=1 then gosub_chan_1
if io.bit1=1 then gosub_chan_2
if io.bit2=1 then gosub_chan_3
if io.bit3=1 then gosub_chan_4
pause 100
for i = 1 to 14
lookup i,[noparse][[/noparse]E,D,E,D,E,D,E,D,E,D,E,D,E,D],j
freqout 11,750,j,(j-1) max 32768
pause 200
goto fin_1
for i = 1 to 18
lookup i,[noparse][[/noparse]E,D,C,E,D,C,E,D,C,E,D,C,E,D,C,E,D,C],j
freqout 11,500,j,(j-1) max 32768
goto fin_2
for i= 0 to 24
lookup i,
freqout 11,250,j,(j-1) max 32768
goto fin_3
for i= 0 to 28
lookup i, [noparse][[/noparse]C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G],j
freqout 11,150,j,(j-1) max 32768
goto fin_4
pause 200
high MIC
pause 30000
low TELE
low LEDPin
low Siren
low LAMP
low MIC
pause 100
--- In, Gene Shults <ebs1955@y...> wrote:
> Hello
> I did a search for this Tele-Alert system on the group here and
came up with not results. What is this Tele-Alert??? Sounds
interesting and something that I may want to use. Can some one direct
me to where the code is and some description of what it can do.
> Thanks
> Gene
> zuwenamalik <Zuwenamalik@y...> wrote:
> hey there,
> I am still doing the Tele -Alert system and i was going through the
> program and i am not very familiar with Basic language. Inside the
> project operating instruction, it mentions to go into the program
> just add in your number that you want to call but i cannot figure
> out where i am suppose to add the number? Is it under the undefined
> %00000000 but i thought that was for the initiation of high and
> what alram cofiguration is this programmed to? just siren, lamp and
> ledpin and tele?
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> Yahoo! Groups Links
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
an alarm system and you are not sure if the dialect below is in
Assembly language or Basic.
The program below is Basic... You should do a search on telephone
touch tone or DTMF frequencies and look at some of the Basic Stamp I
dialect to understand what this program is doing. This is a MUST
for your sake, because this program is actually capable of dialing
several numbers based on the portion of code you provided.
>HEllo Gene,
>Thank you for responding to me....eventhough you are having a
>difficult time finding what i am talking about. Tele_Alert is an
>Alarm Reporting system that will notify you through your cell phone
>when an alarm is activated in your home. You can find this project in
>the Stamp 2 Communication and control Projects by Tom Petruzzellis.
>Maybe you can help me with the Program, I am not sure if it is in
>Basic or Assembly language and where in the program can i put in the
>cell number? Also i am on the process of purchasing an Epic
>Programer for my project to make the circiut easier but i dont know
>if i will have to use a different program for that. Below is the
>copy of the program:
>flash Var byte
>new_io_state Var byte
>old_io_state Var byte
>call_state Var byte
>io Var byte
>timer Var byte
>i Var byte
>j Var word
>TXpin Con 10
>LedPin Con 15
>Lamp Con 13
>Siren Con 12
>Tele Con 9
>MIC Con 8
>recall_delay Con 120
>C Con 3000 'C - 523
>D Con 2000 'D - 587
>E Con 1000 'E - 659
>F Con 500 'F - 698
>G Con 250 'G - 783
>A Con 150 'A - 880
>B Con 100 'B - 987
>R Con 0
>DIRL = %00000000
>DIRH = %11111111
>new_io_state = %00000000
>old_io_state = %00000000
>for flash = 1 to 3
> high LedPin
> pause 1500
> low LedPin
> pause 1500
>high LedPin
>pause 100
>low LedPin
>pause 100
>if new_io_state <> %00000000 then dial_cell
>old_io_state = new_io_state
>goto main
>old_io_state = new_io_state
> for timer = 1 to recall_delay
> high LEDPin
> new_io_state=INL
> pause 500
> low LedPin
> pause 500
> if new_io_state <> old_io_state then dial_cell
> old_io_state = new_io_state
> next
>goto after_io1
>if new_io_state = %00000000 then main
>high LedPin
>high Tele
>high Lamp
>high Siren
>pause 500
>dtmfout TXPin, 600, 600, [noparse][[/noparse]8]
>dtmfout TXPin, 500, 100, [noparse][[/noparse]7,2,9,4,8,9,0]
>sleep 10
>gosub send_msg
>goto delay_and_scan
>io = new_io_state
>if io.bit0=1 then gosub_chan_1
>if io.bit1=1 then gosub_chan_2
>if io.bit2=1 then gosub_chan_3
>if io.bit3=1 then gosub_chan_4
>pause 100
>for i = 1 to 14
>lookup i,[noparse][[/noparse]E,D,E,D,E,D,E,D,E,D,E,D,E,D],j
>freqout 11,750,j,(j-1) max 32768
>pause 200
>goto fin_1
>for i = 1 to 18
>lookup i,[noparse][[/noparse]E,D,C,E,D,C,E,D,C,E,D,C,E,D,C,E,D,C],j
>freqout 11,500,j,(j-1) max 32768
>goto fin_2
>for i= 0 to 24
>lookup i,
>freqout 11,250,j,(j-1) max 32768
>goto fin_3
>for i= 0 to 28
>lookup i, [noparse][[/noparse]C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G,C,D,E,G],j
>freqout 11,150,j,(j-1) max 32768
>goto fin_4
>pause 200
>high MIC
>pause 30000
>low TELE
>low LEDPin
>low Siren
>low LAMP
>low MIC
>pause 100
>--- In, Gene Shults <ebs1955@y...> wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I did a search for this Tele-Alert system on the group here and
>came up with not results. What is this Tele-Alert??? Sounds
>interesting and something that I may want to use. Can some one direct
>me to where the code is and some description of what it can do.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Gene
> >
> > zuwenamalik <Zuwenamalik@y...> wrote:
> > hey there,
> > I am still doing the Tele -Alert system and i was going through the
> > program and i am not very familiar with Basic language. Inside the
> > project operating instruction, it mentions to go into the program
> > just add in your number that you want to call but i cannot figure
> > out where i am suppose to add the number? Is it under the undefined
> > %00000000 but i thought that was for the initiation of high and
> > what alram cofiguration is this programmed to? just siren, lamp and
> > ledpin and tele?
> >
Beau Schwabe Mask Designer National Semiconductor Corporation
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Home: polygon_man@h... Mail Stop GA1
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