voice recognition and basic stamp?
has anyone used or heard of using voice recognition with a basic
stamp? and if so...how might it be accomplished? thanks, mark
stamp? and if so...how might it be accomplished? thanks, mark
search on the HM2007. And there are more sophisticated products; though
some of those require additional programming (usually in C) to make them
work with the BASIC Stamp.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: sponsitility [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=BSYkhl4QwWUlDWlGLCvXp6akqAlI0EmK-K2pzE7WW8qt-9XDcAlwVwYtygyB54u0rD0v-BXPVVyIpVT0-A]markmcleod50@y...[/url
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:33 AM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] voice recognition and basic stamp?
has anyone used or heard of using voice recognition with a basic
stamp? and if so...how might it be accomplished? thanks, mark