Can''t find stamp but I can receive data from stamp?
You probably havn't connected either the pin6 to pin7
jumper, or you have pin 4 disconnected.
The IDE uses the DB-9 pin 6 to 7 loopback to detect
the cable is connected. It uses pin 4 to reset
the BS2.
--- In, "rr" <lolailo@e...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a basic stamp 2, that I am using with a keyspan usb to
> converter.
> When I try to download code to the stamp, I get the message: "can't
> stamp", but if I open a debug window and select com 7, I am able to
> from the stamp (it is loaded with code sending a debug command).
> I can also read the data sent from the stamp from hyper terminal.
> Any thoughts?
> thanks
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
jumper, or you have pin 4 disconnected.
The IDE uses the DB-9 pin 6 to 7 loopback to detect
the cable is connected. It uses pin 4 to reset
the BS2.
--- In, "rr" <lolailo@e...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a basic stamp 2, that I am using with a keyspan usb to
> converter.
> When I try to download code to the stamp, I get the message: "can't
> stamp", but if I open a debug window and select com 7, I am able to
> from the stamp (it is loaded with code sending a debug command).
> I can also read the data sent from the stamp from hyper terminal.
> Any thoughts?
> thanks
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]