sculpture project basic stamp and leds - timing
--- In, "sponsitility"
<markmcleod50@y...> wrote:
> i am a sculpture grad student and basically know very little about
> electronics. what I am trying to do is have 20-40 leds turn on and
> off in succession as if you were driving down a road and the
> streetlamps turned on as your car approcahed and turned off as you
> went away, and then the next one would turn on, off and so on. Is
> there a way to do this through a basic stamp computer...or another
> simple means? what should i be looking for? i need these leds to
> light up for a second or two, and then turn off, and then the next
> one turns a sort of timer is what i think i need. any help
> would be greatly appreciated. email me at markmcleod50@h...
> of the project will be emailed to anyone who
> offers any advice.
Hi Robin,
The timing for your project canbe done in a number of ways.
One is to use a potentiometer to input a value (read up on R/C time)
and then use that input to generate a the time delay in the program.
There are a couple ways to generate the pause in the program.
Depending on the effect you want, it would be rather simple to light
an LED, pause for 5 seconds, then turn on the next and turn off the
first in what would appear to be an instant so the light would go
from one to the next.
You could have a switch so that you can have them run in one
direction, the other, or even the back and forth like the eye of the
Cylon Centurian from BattleStar Galactica of KIT from KnightRider.
All this is novice stuff so you should have no problem making it work.
I was going to offer to make you a PCB for a very modest charge (and
shamlessly promote my serivice, op's did that !) but, for a few bux,
you can get what is called PERF board from Radioshack. Then put in a
resistor from the trace (copper on the board is a trace if it
connects to pads, or it is called a pad if it surrounds one hole)
so power to one trace, each resistor (yes you need one for each)
then conects to a pad that you will stick your wire into.
Run your wire off to your LED and then back to a pad where the pins
of the 595 chip will connect.
A note here to help you is that if you take a very tiny needle nose
plier and twist a loop in the wire from the LED and then cut the
excess, it will make connecting the wire much easier.
Also, some heat shrink tubing would be of help.
www.glitchbuster has resistors, 12 for 48 cents and cheap shipping so
they are a good deal. 1/4 watt is all you need.
If you are using 5 volts and want a bright LED, you would need about
a 250 ohm resistor. 330 is another choice that would be nearly as
<markmcleod50@y...> wrote:
> i am a sculpture grad student and basically know very little about
> electronics. what I am trying to do is have 20-40 leds turn on and
> off in succession as if you were driving down a road and the
> streetlamps turned on as your car approcahed and turned off as you
> went away, and then the next one would turn on, off and so on. Is
> there a way to do this through a basic stamp computer...or another
> simple means? what should i be looking for? i need these leds to
> light up for a second or two, and then turn off, and then the next
> one turns a sort of timer is what i think i need. any help
> would be greatly appreciated. email me at markmcleod50@h...
> of the project will be emailed to anyone who
> offers any advice.
Hi Robin,
The timing for your project canbe done in a number of ways.
One is to use a potentiometer to input a value (read up on R/C time)
and then use that input to generate a the time delay in the program.
There are a couple ways to generate the pause in the program.
Depending on the effect you want, it would be rather simple to light
an LED, pause for 5 seconds, then turn on the next and turn off the
first in what would appear to be an instant so the light would go
from one to the next.
You could have a switch so that you can have them run in one
direction, the other, or even the back and forth like the eye of the
Cylon Centurian from BattleStar Galactica of KIT from KnightRider.
All this is novice stuff so you should have no problem making it work.
I was going to offer to make you a PCB for a very modest charge (and
shamlessly promote my serivice, op's did that !) but, for a few bux,
you can get what is called PERF board from Radioshack. Then put in a
resistor from the trace (copper on the board is a trace if it
connects to pads, or it is called a pad if it surrounds one hole)
so power to one trace, each resistor (yes you need one for each)
then conects to a pad that you will stick your wire into.
Run your wire off to your LED and then back to a pad where the pins
of the 595 chip will connect.
A note here to help you is that if you take a very tiny needle nose
plier and twist a loop in the wire from the LED and then cut the
excess, it will make connecting the wire much easier.
Also, some heat shrink tubing would be of help.
www.glitchbuster has resistors, 12 for 48 cents and cheap shipping so
they are a good deal. 1/4 watt is all you need.
If you are using 5 volts and want a bright LED, you would need about
a 250 ohm resistor. 330 is another choice that would be nearly as