bug in code, anyone see my problem?
Everything is working except for my second microswitch. It seems
that even if the input is 0 it still enters the if=1 loop in the
statement "IF IN14=1 THEN ReleaseItem ReleaseItem:" I even tried
eliminating all other code and it still seems to enter that loop.
Any good debuggers out there?
' { $STAMP BS2}
Time1 VAR Word 'Specified amount of time 1
Time2 VAR Word 'Specified amount of time 2
ReleaseTime VAR Word 'Specified amount of time 3
t VAR Word 'test
PulseTime VAR Word '
OUTPUT 5 'Motor Up
OUTPUT 4 'Motor Back
OUTPUT 3 'Motor Counterclockwise
OUTPUT 2 'Motor Clockwise
OUTPUT 1 'Motor Forward
OUTPUT 0 'Motor Down
INPUT 15 'Microswitch 1
INPUT 14 'Microswitch 2
'Test Statements
DEBUG "State of Input Pin 15: ", BIN IN15, CR
DEBUG "State of Input Pin 14: ", BIN IN14, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 0: ", BIN OUT0, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 1: ", BIN OUT1, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 2: ", BIN OUT2, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 3: ", BIN OUT3, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 4: ", BIN OUT4, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 5: ", BIN OUT5, CR
'Wait for Receiver
PULSIN 7, 1, PulseTime 'Measure Positive Pulse
DEBUG CLS, DEC ? PulseTime 'If not Display
IF PulseTime < 450 THEN Again 'If 0 try again
IF PulseTime > 650 THEN Again
'OUT2 = 1 'Motor Clockwise
OUT5 = 1 'Motor Up
DEBUG "Motor Up", CR
IF IN15=0 THEN Hold 'If Microswitch 1 is not hit, keep
IF IN15=1 THEN Backward 'If Microswitch 1 is hit
DEBUG "Microswitch 1 Hit", CR
IF IN14=0 THEN Backward2 'Check to see if Microswitch 2 is
hit, if not...
OUT5 = 0 'Stop Motor Up
DEBUG "Stop Motor Up", CR
'HIGH 4 'Motor Reverse for Half sec and Pause
for Quarter sec
'PAUSE 500
'LOW 4
'PAUSE 250
IF IN14=0 THEN Backward3
OUT4 = 1 'Motor Reverse
DEBUG "Motor Reverse", CR
IF IN14=1 THEN ReleaseItem 'If Microswitch 2 is hit
DEBUG "State of Input Pin 14: ", BIN IN14, CR
DEBUG "Microswitch 2 Hit", CR
OUT4 = 0 'Stop Motor Reverse
DEBUG "Stop Motor Reverse / State of Output Pin 4: ", BIN
OUT2 = 0 'Stop Motor Clockwise
DEBUG "Stop Motor Clockwise / State of Output Pin 2: ", BIN
FOR ReleaseTime = 1 TO 10 'Tested Release Time
OUT3 = 1 'Motor Counterclockwise
OUT3 = 0 'Stop Motor Counterclockwise
FOR Time1 = 1 TO 2 'For specified amount of Time 1
OUT1 = 1 'Motor Forward
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 1:", BIN OUT1, CR
OUT1 = 0 'Stop Motor Forward
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 1:", BIN OUT1, CR
FOR Time2 = 1 TO 2 'For specified amount of Time 2
OUT0 = 1 'Motor Down
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 0:", BIN OUT0, CR
OUT0 = 0 'Stop Motor Down
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 0:", BIN OUT0, CR
that even if the input is 0 it still enters the if=1 loop in the
statement "IF IN14=1 THEN ReleaseItem ReleaseItem:" I even tried
eliminating all other code and it still seems to enter that loop.
Any good debuggers out there?
' { $STAMP BS2}
Time1 VAR Word 'Specified amount of time 1
Time2 VAR Word 'Specified amount of time 2
ReleaseTime VAR Word 'Specified amount of time 3
t VAR Word 'test
PulseTime VAR Word '
OUTPUT 5 'Motor Up
OUTPUT 4 'Motor Back
OUTPUT 3 'Motor Counterclockwise
OUTPUT 2 'Motor Clockwise
OUTPUT 1 'Motor Forward
OUTPUT 0 'Motor Down
INPUT 15 'Microswitch 1
INPUT 14 'Microswitch 2
'Test Statements
DEBUG "State of Input Pin 15: ", BIN IN15, CR
DEBUG "State of Input Pin 14: ", BIN IN14, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 0: ", BIN OUT0, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 1: ", BIN OUT1, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 2: ", BIN OUT2, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 3: ", BIN OUT3, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 4: ", BIN OUT4, CR
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 5: ", BIN OUT5, CR
'Wait for Receiver
PULSIN 7, 1, PulseTime 'Measure Positive Pulse
DEBUG CLS, DEC ? PulseTime 'If not Display
IF PulseTime < 450 THEN Again 'If 0 try again
IF PulseTime > 650 THEN Again
'OUT2 = 1 'Motor Clockwise
OUT5 = 1 'Motor Up
DEBUG "Motor Up", CR
IF IN15=0 THEN Hold 'If Microswitch 1 is not hit, keep
IF IN15=1 THEN Backward 'If Microswitch 1 is hit
DEBUG "Microswitch 1 Hit", CR
IF IN14=0 THEN Backward2 'Check to see if Microswitch 2 is
hit, if not...
OUT5 = 0 'Stop Motor Up
DEBUG "Stop Motor Up", CR
'HIGH 4 'Motor Reverse for Half sec and Pause
for Quarter sec
'PAUSE 500
'LOW 4
'PAUSE 250
IF IN14=0 THEN Backward3
OUT4 = 1 'Motor Reverse
DEBUG "Motor Reverse", CR
IF IN14=1 THEN ReleaseItem 'If Microswitch 2 is hit
DEBUG "State of Input Pin 14: ", BIN IN14, CR
DEBUG "Microswitch 2 Hit", CR
OUT4 = 0 'Stop Motor Reverse
DEBUG "Stop Motor Reverse / State of Output Pin 4: ", BIN
OUT2 = 0 'Stop Motor Clockwise
DEBUG "Stop Motor Clockwise / State of Output Pin 2: ", BIN
FOR ReleaseTime = 1 TO 10 'Tested Release Time
OUT3 = 1 'Motor Counterclockwise
OUT3 = 0 'Stop Motor Counterclockwise
FOR Time1 = 1 TO 2 'For specified amount of Time 1
OUT1 = 1 'Motor Forward
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 1:", BIN OUT1, CR
OUT1 = 0 'Stop Motor Forward
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 1:", BIN OUT1, CR
FOR Time2 = 1 TO 2 'For specified amount of Time 2
OUT0 = 1 'Motor Down
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 0:", BIN OUT0, CR
OUT0 = 0 'Stop Motor Down
DEBUG "State of Output Pin 0:", BIN OUT0, CR
>Everything is working except for my second microswitch. It seems
>that even if the input is 0 it still enters the if=1 loop in the
>statement "IF IN14=1 THEN ReleaseItem ReleaseItem:" I even tried
>eliminating all other code and it still seems to enter that loop.
>Any good debuggers out there?
Christina -
I suspect you are misunderstanding how IF...THEN operates.
Example -
IF [noparse][[/noparse]condition] then [noparse][[/noparse]routine name of where to go when condition is met]
IF x = 1 then X_is_ON
When the next following statement is indeed that routine name (as directly
above), then it's as if the conditional statement was never made.
There are two ways to correct this.
Method 1 -
IF x = 1 then X_is_ON
'Process the x is off condition
GOTO Continue_Checking
'Process the x is on condition
GOTO Continue_Checking
... other code ...
Method 2 -
IF x <> 1 then X_is_OFF
'Process the x is on condition
GOTO Continue_Checking
'Process the x is off condition
GOTO Continue_Checking
... other code ...
- - -
I hope that doesn't add to your confusion.
Bruce Bates
to keep checking the if statement. But thank you
revised section:
OUT4 = 1 'Motor Reverse
DEBUG "Motor Reverse", CR
IF IN14=0 THEN Backward3
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:
> At 05:04 AM 3/21/04 +0000, Christina wrote:
> >Everything is working except for my second microswitch. It seems
> >that even if the input is 0 it still enters the if=1 loop in the
> >statement "IF IN14=1 THEN ReleaseItem ReleaseItem:" I even
> >eliminating all other code and it still seems to enter that
> >Any good debuggers out there?
> Christina -
> I suspect you are misunderstanding how IF...THEN operates.
> Example -
> IF [noparse][[/noparse]condition] then [noparse][[/noparse]routine name of where to go when condition is
> IF x = 1 then X_is_ON
> X_is_ON:
> When the next following statement is indeed that routine name (as
directly above), then it's as if the conditional statement was never
> There are two ways to correct this.
> Method 1 -
> IF x = 1 then X_is_ON
> X_is_OFF:
> 'Process the x is off condition
> GOTO Continue_Checking
> X_is_ON:
> 'Process the x is on condition
> GOTO Continue_Checking
> ... other code ...
> Continue_Checking:
> Method 2 -
> IF x <> 1 then X_is_OFF
> X_is_ON:
> 'Process the x is on condition
> GOTO Continue_Checking
> X_is_OFF:
> 'Process the x is off condition
> GOTO Continue_Checking
> ... other code ...
> Continue_Checking:
> - - -
> I hope that doesn't add to your confusion.
> Regards,
> Bruce Bates
I think the problem is with the structure of your IF…THEN statements.
These can be a bit tricky.
Microswitch pushed = Motor on, then continue with rest of program
Microswitch not pushed = Motor off, loop back up to check for switch push
Out1= Motor output
Line 1: Start:
Line 2: IF microswitch is pushed THEN TurnMotorOn
Line 3: Out1 = 0 'motor off
Line 4: GOTO Start
Line 5: TurnMotorOn:
Line 6: Out1 = 1 'motor on
Line X: Continue with rest of program
Here's how it works:
Line 2: Tests condition of switch
Lines 3 & 4: Handles NOT pushed condition
Lines 5 & 6: Handles pushed condition
The tricky part is Line 2. IF Line 2 is False then the program
automatically increments to the next line, Line 3. Therefore you need
to include Lines 3 & 4 to handle the False condition. Notice that if
Line 2 is True, it "leapfrogs" over Lines 3 & 4 by using the
"TurnMotorOn" label.
I've taken the liberty of reshuffling your IN14 logic to include this
leapfrogging technique. Basically I just moved the IN14=1 statements
so they are directly after the IF IN14=0 statement.
IF IN14=0 THEN Backward2
'if IN14 = 1, the program automatically increments down to
'OUT4 = 0, therefore you don't need the "ReleaseItem" label
OUT4 = 0 'Stop Motor Reverse
OUT2 = 0 'Stop Motor Clockwise
GOTO Release 'LEAPFROGS over Backward2
OUT5 = 0 'Stop Motor Up
HIGH 4 'Motor Reverse
PAUSE 250 'continues to Release:
FOR ReleaseTime = 1 TO 10 'Tested Release Time
OUT3 = 1 'Motor Counterclockwise
OUT3 = 0 'Stop Motor Counterclockwise
FOR Time1 = 1 TO 2 'For specified amount of Time 1
OUT1 = 1 'Motor Forward
OUT1 = 0 'Stop Motor Forward
FOR Time2 = 1 TO 2 'For specified amount of Time 2
OUT0 = 1 'Motor Down
OUT0 = 0 'Stop Motor Down