Hi, all new member
thought I would say hi since I am reading a lot of the posts.
bought me a basic stamp homework board here at the local radio
shack. the cd installed the software perfectly and I was building
projects right away.
I am finishing up the CNC machining program at LWTC in Kirkland Wash
and helped out some robot builders produce some machined parts for
extra credit. so.... I thought i would learn a little about what
they are up to. [noparse]:)[/noparse] Its a fun hobby for people who like building
I dont know all that much about electronics. played arounda lot with
those radioshack electronic experimentor kits as a kid and probably
forgot more then I know.
For a first real project I was think of programming the stamp to run
rear car blinkers like on a shelby mustang from the sixties where
they alternate sequentially or maybe a panic button horn that
alternates between the high and low tone horns on a car.
It would be quite easy to hook the stamp up to one of my rc cars and
have it put around. chapter 4 in the book is pretty in depth on
servos and I already trashed mine that came with kit. ruined some
gear teeth. [noparse]:([/noparse]
I am assuming the direction to go with having the stamp control a car
horn would be to have it trigger the horn relaybut....e the stamp
cant handle that many amps. also...then it would need a common
ground with the relay already in the car which is too high powerred...
also.???? I could use transistors to trigger the relays???? I have
no idea which one or how to pick them. same thing with sequential
tailights the light bulbs require more power then the stamp can
handle I am assuming.
anyhow greetings and salutations.
John Zomok
Washington State
thought I would say hi since I am reading a lot of the posts.
bought me a basic stamp homework board here at the local radio
shack. the cd installed the software perfectly and I was building
projects right away.
I am finishing up the CNC machining program at LWTC in Kirkland Wash
and helped out some robot builders produce some machined parts for
extra credit. so.... I thought i would learn a little about what
they are up to. [noparse]:)[/noparse] Its a fun hobby for people who like building
I dont know all that much about electronics. played arounda lot with
those radioshack electronic experimentor kits as a kid and probably
forgot more then I know.
For a first real project I was think of programming the stamp to run
rear car blinkers like on a shelby mustang from the sixties where
they alternate sequentially or maybe a panic button horn that
alternates between the high and low tone horns on a car.
It would be quite easy to hook the stamp up to one of my rc cars and
have it put around. chapter 4 in the book is pretty in depth on
servos and I already trashed mine that came with kit. ruined some
gear teeth. [noparse]:([/noparse]
I am assuming the direction to go with having the stamp control a car
horn would be to have it trigger the horn relaybut....e the stamp
cant handle that many amps. also...then it would need a common
ground with the relay already in the car which is too high powerred...
also.???? I could use transistors to trigger the relays???? I have
no idea which one or how to pick them. same thing with sequential
tailights the light bulbs require more power then the stamp can
handle I am assuming.
anyhow greetings and salutations.
John Zomok
Washington State
AQZ102 relays from ALLIED Electronics www.alliedelec.com. They'll
handle 1350ma at 60v. I used a 1k resistor off the stamp pin. They
cost about $8 and you need to order $25 or more to avoid a handling
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "jonzomok" <jonzomok@y...> wrote:
> I am assuming the direction to go with having the stamp control a
> horn would be to have it trigger the horn relaybut....e the stamp
> cant handle that many amps. also...then it would need a common
> ground with the relay already in the car which is too high
> also.???? I could use transistors to trigger the relays???? I
> no idea which one or how to pick them. same thing with sequential
> tailights the light bulbs require more power then the stamp can
> handle I am assuming.
> anyhow greetings and salutations.
> John Zomok
> Washington State
Original Message
From: rczapala [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=PhiT-_FGQjWiL2efTvvC5EM9Lw9rIM0IZ4BudBvM5oawFif28WAJ6bu4S1ZE24ok6g5yXHJJ_mxRwOk]rczapala@y...[/url
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 10:07 AM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Hi, all new member
You might want to look at a solid-state relay. I bought some AROMAT
AQZ102 relays from ALLIED Electronics www.alliedelec.com. They'll
handle 1350ma at 60v. I used a 1k resistor off the stamp pin. They
cost about $8 and you need to order $25 or more to avoid a handling
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "jonzomok" <jonzomok@y...> wrote:
> I am assuming the direction to go with having the stamp control a
> horn would be to have it trigger the horn relaybut....e the stamp
> cant handle that many amps. also...then it would need a common
> ground with the relay already in the car which is too high
> also.???? I could use transistors to trigger the relays???? I
> no idea which one or how to pick them. same thing with sequential
> tailights the light bulbs require more power then the stamp can
> handle I am assuming.
> anyhow greetings and salutations.
> John Zomok
> Washington State
To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
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Yahoo! Groups Links
--- Jim Forkin <jjf@p...> wrote:
> You might wish to check out this web site for
> switching applications using
> stamps.
> jim
> http://www.geocities.com/jimforkin2003/
Original Message
> From: rczapala [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=q8MZ24C3hfDErZ8Tk1eQWMAo2P2DJ0GNVcEaafO2cIBZCkdllvcKZ06EQuk2ilcXMLob4xkE4CEM]rczapala@y...[/url
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 10:07 AM
> To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Hi, all new member
> You might want to look at a solid-state relay. I
> bought some AROMAT
> AQZ102 relays from ALLIED Electronics
> www.alliedelec.com. They'll
> handle 1350ma at 60v. I used a 1k resistor off the
> stamp pin. They
> cost about $8 and you need to order $25 or more to
> avoid a handling
> fee.
> --- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "jonzomok"
> <jonzomok@y...> wrote:
> > I am assuming the direction to go with having the
> stamp control a
> car
> > horn would be to have it trigger the horn
> relaybut....e the stamp
> > cant handle that many amps. also...then it would
> need a common
> > ground with the relay already in the car which is
> too high
> powerred...
> > also.???? I could use transistors to trigger the
> relays???? I
> have
> > no idea which one or how to pick them. same thing
> with sequential
> > tailights the light bulbs require more power then
> the stamp can
> > handle I am assuming.
> >
> > anyhow greetings and salutations.
> >
> > John Zomok
> > Washington State
> > USA
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> basicstamps-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> from the same email address that you subscribed.
> Text in the Subject and
> Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> basicstamps-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> from the same email address that you subscribed.
> Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be
> ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> basicstamps-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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